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Below is a listing from the 7'' singles Category.

Welcome to my listing of 7'' singles from my collection. To view a different section (for example the BBC Transcription discs if there are any for this), select the new section in the links above this message.

To view details of a particular release, simply click on the picture or the text which follows underneath in the display below. By viewing a release page, you will find a lot more information about that particular release which includes basic details of it like the artist and year of release, any track details for the release (if applicable), lists of other similar releases as well as any other pictures I have taken. If there are linked videos, then you will be able to see the them in a form of a youtube embedded object into the webpage!

This section includes all the releases where they released by non-British television stations which are either signature tunes or comedy related. Although I am only actively collecting records from Century 21 records and War of the Worlds, I *might* be interested in others. Feel free to contact me if you have something similar to other items in the collection. Would you mind please contacting me using the Contact me page?

singles picture Star Wars 7'' singles (1977-2018)

The Star Wars franchise records!

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Picture of Star Wars theme by artist Graffiti Orchestra from ITV, Channel 4 and Channel 5 singles library
Graffiti Orchestra
Star Wars theme

P 0635F UK flag ***** White label test pressing
Picture of Rebel's theme by artist Kevin Kiner from ITV, Channel 4 and Channel 5 singles library
Kevin Kiner
Rebel's theme

D 002161021 USA flag ***** Picture disc

Picture of Star Wars Rebels by artist Kevin Kiner from ITV, Channel 4 and Channel 5 singles library
Kevin Kiner
Star Wars Rebels

D002161021 USA flag ***** Picture Disc
Picture of Star Wars: The Last Jedi by artist John Williams from ITV, Channel 4 and Channel 5 singles library
John Williams
Star Wars: The Last Jedi

D002790611 UK flag ***** Record Store Day 2018 - Picture shaped disc