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Various, History 1917-1971 - War and peace in Europe

Release details

TitleHistory 1917-1971 - War and peace in Europe
Category:BBC - Language-OP (Click on this button to view other releases of BBC - Language-OP Albums.)
Label and catalogue number:Picture of images/labels/BBC OP TV.jpg labelBBC OP TV - OP 165/166
Format:Vinyl Albums
Country:UK UK flag
Genre:Documentaries - historic View all other tracks listed as Documentaries - historic.
Run-off codes:OP-165 BBC
OP-166 BBC
Item deleted?Yes
Distributed / printed byMoore & Matthes Ltd
Page views:1053 times since 20th May, 2017, global rank is 4900, rank in albums is 2570.
My rating:*****
Guest rating:*****

My copies information

This section shows the information I have recorded for this release.
Cover conditionVery Good Plus
Record conditionVery Good Plus
BBC records label codeP
Number have1
What type of seller was usedNot recorded
Where can I buy this release?You may be able to purchase this release from the following websites (others are available!)


Below listed is any duplicates I have for this release.
Duplicate item 1Reason W/L test pressing, condition SS.Y
Run-off codes


Below is a list of tracks for this release.
Side & track noTrack and ArtistLength
A1 The great war - Ex-private W. Quinton describes an early gas attack on the Western Front
A2Hitler - the man - General Bor-Komorowsky, C. B. Fry, and Herr von Hinkel recall the differing impressions made on each of them the first time they saw Hitler [Interviewer - Dr. Stephen Black]
A3A Jew in Germany - Else Rosenfeld recalls some of her experiences in Germany during '30s
A4The Rhineland - Freddy Grisewood announces that German troops entered the Rhineland (7.3.36)
A5Appeasement - a 'Times' editorial reflects contemporary feeling about the Czech-German dispute
A6Chamberlain's return from Munich - The Prime Minister justifies his action over Czechoslovakia
A7The King's Speech - George VI warns the nation about the struggle which faces Britain (3.9.39)
A8Lord Haw-Haw - William Joyce broadcasts an account of a 'murder' committed by British forces on unarmed Germans. (18.2.40) In fact, a party from HMS Copssack had boarded the German prison ship Altmark and rescued British prisoners. During the boarding, one German fell overboard and was rescued by British officers
A9The progress of the war; broadcasters - Bernard Stubbs (31.5.40); Battle of Britain - Alvar Liddell (15.9.40); El Alamein - Godfrey Talbot (2.11.42); Naples - Frank Gillard (1.10.43); Moscow - Reginald Watson-Jones (8.11.43); D-Day - Alan Melville (6.6.44); resistance instructions - SHAEF (3.9.44); the Rhine - Wynford Vaughan Thomas(31.3.45); Dortmund - a British military officer (13.4.45)
A10The Resistance Movement - Col. Berthaud, a member of the French Resistance, recalls both a funny and a dangerous moment during his five years in the Underground
A11Belsen Concentration Camp - Richard Dimbleby tells what he saw when the Allies entered Belsen
A12Displaced persons - Three 'Displaced Persons' from the British Zone of Germany describe their backgrounds, their feelings, and their lives
A13German re-entry into European affairs - A. P. Ryan summarises the conflicting attitudes which underlay the Western powers' decision to set up the federal German government
A14Common Market versus Commonwealth - Hugh Gaitskell, Leader of the Opposition puts the case for retaining our ties with the Commonwealth (21.9.62). Similar arguments were advanced during the 1970-71 negotiations for entry
B1 Revolution in Petrograd - Phillips Price, M. P., remembers how it all began
B2Lenin - the man - Roman Sagovsky, then an army cadet, recalls Lenin speaking in 1917
B3Red Army speech - Lenin encourages his followers in a speech made during the civil way (1919)
B4Stalin - the man - K. P. S. Menon recalls Stalin at the height of his power [Interviewer - Mark Tully]
B5Treason trials - A Radio Moscow broadcast reports the result of one such trial in 1936
B6Stalingrad, 1943 - Paul Winterton describes conditions in this much fought-over city
B7Life in a labour camp - Alexander Solzhenitsyn, the Nobel prize-winner, based this description in 'one day in the life of Ivan Denisovich' on his own experience. He had spent eight years in a labour camp for making an unflattering comment about Stalin in a private letter
B8Khrushchev - by Denis Healey, M. P., Michael Glenny, Sir Willian Hayter, and John Cronin, M. P.
B9Modern Russia - Denis Blakeley explains how (even after the imprisonment under Khrushchev) Russian living standards cannot be compared with those in the West [Interviewer - Chris Cvlic]
B10The Hungarian Revolution - Russell Taylor and George Cooper describe their early experiences among the Freedom Fighters of Budapest [Interviewer - George Urban]
B11The Berlin Wall - Brian Horton and Ronald Robson broadcast despatches (12-13.8.61)
B12An appeal for help - A Czech girl broadcasts a plea for support as the Russians enter Prague
B13 US Opinion, 1939 - Raymond Gram Swing explains the mixed reaction to the outbreak of World War II
B14Nagasaki, 1945 - Leonard Cheshire VC describes the fearful effect of an atomic bomb explosion
B15Berlin airlift - Richard Sharp reports on the success of the airlift, and Gatow Control 'talks down' a pilot flying supplies into the Western Zone (3.7.48)
B16Korean P. O. W. - Derek Kinne, VC, who escaped from a Korean prisoner-of-war camp, talks about his experiences [Interviewer - Arthur Appletomn]
B17Vietnam-US attitudes - G. I.'s discuss the war with John Morgan; US students condemn it (1965)
B18Vietnam-Asian attitudes - Patrick Gordon Walker, M. P. sums up (1965) [Interviewer - Dr. Norman Hunt]
Total length of media 0:00.

All release pictures

Below is all the cover (front, back, middle and inserts if applicable) and label pictures I have for this release.
Front cover
Front cover of OP 165/166
Back cover
Back cover of OP 165/166
Label Label


Below is my review for this release and the ratings.
A good entry, I will include a full review asap!
My rating3
Guest ratingCurrent average value is 3.

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Further information

BBC sub label for foreign language records.

This was the first BBC label available to the public to purchase starting in the early 1960's. To start with, you could only purchase these direct from the BBC. There were shows aired where listeners could follow the programme on the Radio (usually foreign language training shows) and then purchase the record and separate book to accompany it. These could be kept afterwards to continue their home learning.

Later the shows were also recorded for television and the records as well as the books became more widely available in the shops.


Here are some statistics about this page.
Page views: 1053 times since 20th May, 2017, global rank is 4900, rank in albums 2570.
This page was last updated on 03-12-2024 at 14:33:05 UK local time.

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This page was last updated on: 03-12-2024 at 14:33:05 UK local time.