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Various, BBC Radiophonic Workshop

Release details

TitleBBC Radiophonic Workshop
Category:BBC - Non-BBC label (Click on this button to view other releases of BBC - Non-BBC label Albums.)
Label and catalogue number:Picture of images/labels/Silva Screen Records.jpg labelSilva Screen Records - SILLP 1541
Format:Vinyl Albums
Country:UK UK flag
Genre:Dramas - Sci-fi View all other tracks listed as Dramas - Sci-fi.
Format:Pink vinyl
Run-off codes:SILLP 1541 . A1
SILLP 1541 . B1
Item deleted?Yes
Distributed / printed byPicture of images/labels/Silva Screen Records.jpg labelSilva Screen Records
Page views:779 times since 20th May, 2017, global rank is 7953, rank in albums is 3400.
My rating:*****
Guest rating:*****

My copies information

This section shows the information I have recorded for this release.
Cover conditionNear mint
Record conditionNear mint
Number have1
What type of seller was usedNot recorded
Where can I buy this release?You may be able to purchase this release from the following websites (others are available!)


Below is a list of tracks for this release.
Side & track noTrack and ArtistLength
A1Radio Sheffield [David Cain]0.35
A2Radio Nottingham [John Baker]1.18
A3Boys and girls [John Baker]0.56
A4Mattachin [Delia Derbyshire]108.00
A5Pots au feu [Delia Derbyshire]3.14
A6Time and tune [John Baker]0.19
A7Tomorrow's world [John Baker]1.04
A8Reading your letters [John Baker]0.08
A9Blue vells and golden sands [Delia Derbyshire]3.27
A10The missing jewel [John Baker]0.57
A11Artbeat [David Cain]0.33
A12Fresh start [John Baker]0.21
A13Christmas commercial [John Baker]0.42
A14Sea sports [John Baker]0.40
A15The Dellan mode [Delia Derbyshire]5.32
B1The frogs wooing [John Baker]0.34
B2Milky Way [John Baker]1.38
B3Structures [John Baker]2.56
B4New worlds [John Baker]0.40
B5Ziwzih ziwzih OO-OO-OO [John Baker]1.44
B6Festival time [John Baker]0.24
B7The chase [John Baker]1.39
B8Towards tomorrow [Delia Derbyshire]1.05
B9Quiz time [Delia Derbyshire]0.53
B10P. I. G. S. [John Baker]0.46
B11Autumn and winter [David Cain]1.57
B12Door to door [Delia Derbyshire]0.24
B13Factors [John Baker]0.31
B14War of thew Worlds [David Cain]4.48
B15Crossbeat [David Cain]0.23
B16Air [Delia Derbyshire]1.37
Total length of media 2:29:45.

All release pictures

Below is all the cover (front, back, middle and inserts if applicable) and label pictures I have for this release.
Front cover
Front cover of SILLP 1541
Back cover
Back cover of SILLP 1541
Middle of cover
Middle of cover of SILLP 1541 Middle of cover of SILLP 1541
Label Label


Below is my review for this release and the ratings.
A good entry, I will include a full review asap!
My rating3
Guest ratingCurrent average value is 3.

To vote, please select one of these buttons:

Other versions

I have the title track on these releases:
[albums]REB 188Original music from great BBC - TV shows
[dvds]BBCDVD 1882CDoctor Who - The edge of destruction

Further information

The items shown here are quite similar to the "main" BBC Records and Tapes library covering a wide secletion of genres from themes, comedy dramas and others, depending on which format you have selected.The main difference is the record was not released by the BBC directly - this could be because the rights were negotiated with another label or some other reason.


Here are some statistics about this page.
Page views: 779 times since 20th May, 2017, global rank is 7953, rank in albums 3400.
This page was last updated on 09-10-2024 at 8:22:58 UK local time.

Other releases you might be interested in

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© 2002-2025 Mike Everitt.

This page was last updated on: 09-10-2024 at 8:22:58 UK local time.