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Another upbeat song!
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Extra notes on cover, middle (gatefold sleeve) and any inserts
Buster (Phil Collins) is a happy-go-lucky small-time thief whose biggest virtue is a happy marriage to his wife June (Julie Walters). One day he hears of a massive trainload of used banknotes, and plans to rob it with a gang led by his friend Bruce Reynold (Larry Lamb). It is a brilliant, audacious operation - the biggest robbery in history.
On the run with June and yound daughter Nicky, Buster escapes to Mexico to join Bruce and his wife Franny (Stephanie Lawrence). But their dream of paradise in the sun turns sour, as the money drains away and the alien life-style takes its toll.
Further information
This section includes other comedy and film themes not linked to TV comedy and compliation releases.
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Page views: 970 times since 20th May, 2017, global rank is 5217, rank in singles 1225.
This page was last updated on 15-07-2023 at 12:34:20 UK local time.
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