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Ontdekking van BBC - Language-OP Albums


BBC-sublabel voor platen in vreemde talen.

Dit was het eerste BBC-label dat vanaf het begin van de jaren zestig voor het publiek te koop was. Om te beginnen kon je deze alleen rechtstreeks bij de BBC kopen. Er werden shows uitgezonden waarbij luisteraars het programma op de radio konden volgen (meestal programma's voor het trainen van vreemde talen) en vervolgens de plaat en het bijbehorende boek konden kopen. Deze kunnen achteraf worden bewaard om thuis verder te leren.

Later werden de shows ook voor televisie opgenomen en kwamen zowel de platen als de boeken op grotere schaal verkrijgbaar in de winkels.

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BBC - Language-OP Vinding

albums catagory Albums

OmslagCatalogus nummerTitelArtiest(en)JaarWaarderingen
Picture of OP 1/2 Parliamo Italiano - Let's Speak Italian lessons 1 - 10 by artist Toni Cerutti from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 1/2Parliamo Italiano - Let's Speak Italian lessons 1 - 10Toni Cerutti19633
Picture of OP 3/4 Parliamo Italiano - Let's Speak Italian lessons 11 - 20 by artist Toni Cerutti from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 3/4Parliamo Italiano - Let's Speak Italian lessons 11 - 20Toni Cerutti19633
Picture of OP 5/6 Parliamo Italiano - Let's Speak Italian lessons 21 - 30 by artist Toni Cerutti from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 5/6Parliamo Italiano - Let's Speak Italian lessons 21 - 30Toni Cerutti19633
Picture of OP 7/8 (S) (See Singles section) by artist  from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 7/8 (S)(See Singles section)Unknown artist for recordUnknown year for record3
Picture of OP 9/10 Komm mit! Wir sprechen Deutsch - A BBC course for beginners lessons 1 - 10 by artist John L. M. Trim / Frank Kuna from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 9/10Komm mit! Wir sprechen Deutsch - A BBC course for beginners lessons 1 - 10John L. M. Trim / Frank Kuna19643
Picture of OP 11/12 Komm mit! Wir sprechen Deutsch - A BBC course for beginners lessons 11 - 20 by artist John L. M. Trim / Frank Kuna from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 11/12Komm mit! Wir sprechen Deutsch - A BBC course for beginners lessons 11 - 20John L. M. Trim / Frank Kuna19643
Picture of OP 13/14 Komm mit! Wir sprechen Deutsch - A BBC course for beginners lessons 21 - 30 by artist John L. M. Trim / Frank Kuna from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 13/14Komm mit! Wir sprechen Deutsch - A BBC course for beginners lessons 21 - 30John L. M. Trim / Frank Kuna19643
Picture of OP 17/18 Starting French - Parts 1 - 8 by artist Elsie Ferguson from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 17/18Starting French - Parts 1 - 8Elsie Ferguson19643
Picture of OP 19/20 Starting French - Parts 9 - 20 by artist Elsie Ferguson from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 19/20Starting French - Parts 9 - 20Elsie Ferguson19643
Picture of OP 21/22 Starting French - Parts 21 - 30 by artist Elsie Ferguson from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 21/22Starting French - Parts 21 - 30Elsie Ferguson19643
Picture of OP 23/24 Starting French - Parts 31 - 40 by artist Elsie Ferguson from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 23/24Starting French - Parts 31 - 40Elsie Ferguson19643
Picture of OP 25/26 Spanish for beginners - Parts 1 - 24 by artist Anthony Watson / Edith R. Baer from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 25/26Spanish for beginners - Parts 1 - 24Anthony Watson / Edith R. Baer19643
Picture of OP 27/28 Spanish for beginners - Parts 25-40 by artist Anthony Watson / Edith R. Baer from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 27/28Spanish for beginners - Parts 25-40Anthony Watson / Edith R. Baer19643
Picture of OP 31/32 Talking Italian - Lessons 1 - 10 by artist Pietro Giorgetti from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 31/32Talking Italian - Lessons 1 - 10Pietro Giorgetti19643
Picture of OP 33/34 Talking Italian - Lessons 11 - 20 by artist Pietro Giorgetti from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 33/34Talking Italian - Lessons 11 - 20Pietro Giorgetti19643
No coverOP 39/40 (S)(See Singles section)Unknown artist for recordUnknown year for record3
Picture of OP 41/42 Bonjour francoise - French for absolute beginners - Lessons 1 - 10 by artist Michel Faure / Joseph Cremona / A. C. Gimson from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 41/42Bonjour francoise - French for absolute beginners - Lessons 1 - 10Michel Faure / Joseph Cremona / A. C. Gimson19653
Picture of OP 43/44 Bonjour francoise - French for absolute beginners - Lessons 11 - 20 by artist Michel Faure / Joseph Cremona / A. C. Gimson from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 43/44Bonjour francoise - French for absolute beginners - Lessons 11 - 20Michel Faure / Joseph Cremona / A. C. Gimson19653
Picture of OP 45/46 Bonjour francoise - French for absolute beginners - Lessons 21 - 30 by artist Michel Faure / Joseph Cremona / A. C. Gimson from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 45/46Bonjour francoise - French for absolute beginners - Lessons 21 - 30Michel Faure / Joseph Cremona / A. C. Gimson19653
Picture of OP 47/48 Suivez la piste - Follow up your French in a 25 episode thriller serial on BBC tv - Episodes 1 - 13 by artist Emile De Harven / Michel Blanc / Denys Player / John Trim from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 47/48Suivez la piste - Follow up your French in a 25 episode thriller serial on BBC tv - Episodes 1 - 13Emile De Harven / Michel Blanc / Denys Player / John Trim19663
Picture of OP 49/50 Suivez la piste - Follow up your French in a 25 episode thriller serial on BBC tv - Episodes 14 - 25 by artist Emile De Harven / Michel Blanc / Denys Player / John Trim from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 49/50Suivez la piste - Follow up your French in a 25 episode thriller serial on BBC tv - Episodes 14 - 25Emile De Harven / Michel Blanc / Denys Player / John Trim19663
Picture of OP 101/102 Welsh for beginners - BBC radio course for beginners - Lessons 1 - 10 by artist J. Idres Evans from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 101/102Welsh for beginners - BBC radio course for beginners - Lessons 1 - 10J. Idres Evans19663
Picture of OP 103/104 Welsh for beginners - BBC radio course for beginners - Lessons 11 - 20 by artist J. Idres Evans from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 103/104Welsh for beginners - BBC radio course for beginners - Lessons 11 - 20J. Idres Evans19663
Picture of OP 105/106 Welsh for beginners - BBC radio course for beginners - Lessons 21 - 30 by artist J. Idres Evans from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 105/106Welsh for beginners - BBC radio course for beginners - Lessons 21 - 30J. Idres Evans19663
Picture of OP 107/108 (S) (See Singles section) by artist  from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 107/108 (S)(See Singles section)Unknown artist for recordUnknown year for record3
Picture of OP 109/110 Vamos A Ver - Let's look at Spanish on BBC tv - Record 1 by artist Helena Valenti / Brian Dutton / Angel Garcia De Paredes / Joseph Cremona from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 109/110Vamos A Ver - Let's look at Spanish on BBC tv - Record 1Helena Valenti / Brian Dutton / Angel Garcia De Paredes / Joseph Cremona19663
Picture of OP 111/112 Vamos A Ver - Let's look at Spanish on BBC tv - Record 2 by artist Helena Valenti / Brian Dutton / Angel Garcia De Paredes / Joseph Cremona from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 111/112Vamos A Ver - Let's look at Spanish on BBC tv - Record 2Helena Valenti / Brian Dutton / Angel Garcia De Paredes / Joseph Cremona19663
Picture of OP 113/114 Der Arme Million'a'r - A course in everyday German - Record 1 - Scenes 1 - 10 by artist Erich Kastner from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 113/114Der Arme Million'a'r - A course in everyday German - Record 1 - Scenes 1 - 10Erich Kastner19673
Picture of OP 115/116 Der Arme Million'a'r - A course in everyday German - Record 2 - Scenes 11 - 20 by artist Erich Kastner from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 115/116Der Arme Million'a'r - A course in everyday German - Record 2 - Scenes 11 - 20Erich Kastner19693
Picture of OP 117/118 Hold down a chord by artist John Pearse from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 117/118Hold down a chordJohn Pearse19673
Picture of OP 119/120 Improve your Welsh - BBC second year radio course of twelve lessons by artist Islwyn Ffowc Elis from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 119/120Improve your Welsh - BBC second year radio course of twelve lessonsIslwyn Ffowc Elis19673
No coverOP 121/122Look, listen and speak - BBC English lessons for immigrants - Record 1Unknown19683
No coverOP 123/124Look, listen and speak - BBC English lessons for immigrants - Record 2Unknown19683
Picture of OP 125/126 Look, listen and speak - BBC English lessons for immigrants - Record 3 - Lessons 40 - 52 by artist Unknown from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 125/126Look, listen and speak - BBC English lessons for immigrants - Record 3 - Lessons 40 - 52Unknown19683
Picture of OP 127/128 Si dice cosi - A BBC Television course for beginners in Italian - Record 1 - Lessons 1 - 7 by artist Joseph Cremona from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 127/128Si dice cosi - A BBC Television course for beginners in Italian - Record 1 - Lessons 1 - 7Joseph Cremona19683
Picture of OP 129/130 Si dice cosi - A BBC Television course for beginners in Italian - Record 2 - Lessons 8 - 15 by artist Joseph Cremona from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 129/130Si dice cosi - A BBC Television course for beginners in Italian - Record 2 - Lessons 8 - 15Joseph Cremona19683
Picture of OP 131/132 Si dice cosi - A BBC Television course for beginners in Italian - Record 3 - Lessons 16 - 25 by artist Joseph Cremona from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 131/132Si dice cosi - A BBC Television course for beginners in Italian - Record 3 - Lessons 16 - 25Joseph Cremona19683
Picture of OP 133/134 Wie bitte? A beginners' course - 1 by artist Milo Sperber / Antony Peck from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 133/134Wie bitte? A beginners' course - 1Milo Sperber / Antony Peck19703
Picture of OP 135/136 Wie bitte? A beginner's course - 2 by artist Milo Sperber / Antony Peck from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 135/136Wie bitte? A beginner's course - 2Milo Sperber / Antony Peck19693
Picture of OP 137/138 Wie bitte? A beginners' course - 3 by artist Milo Sperber / Antony Peck from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 137/138Wie bitte? A beginners' course - 3Milo Sperber / Antony Peck19673
Picture of OP 139/140 Respondez s'il vous plait R. S. V. P. - Lessons 1 - 10 by artist Max Bellancourt / Joseph Cremona from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 139/140Respondez s'il vous plait R. S. V. P. - Lessons 1 - 10Max Bellancourt / Joseph Cremona19703
Picture of OP 141/142 Respondez s'il vous plait R. S. V. P. - Lessons 11 - 20 by artist Max Bellancourt / Joseph Cremona from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 141/142Respondez s'il vous plait R. S. V. P. - Lessons 11 - 20Max Bellancourt / Joseph Cremona19703
Picture of OP 143/144 Respondez s'll vous plait R. S. V. P. - Lessons 21 - 29 by artist Max Bellancourt / Joseph Cremona from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 143/144Respondez s'll vous plait R. S. V. P. - Lessons 21 - 29Max Bellancourt / Joseph Cremona19703
Picture of OP 145/146 Amici, Buona sera! - Starting Italian - A course of 30 lessons for beginners in Italian -  Record 1 - Lessons 1 - 16 by artist Hugh Shankland / Ernesto Mussi from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 145/146Amici, Buona sera! - Starting Italian - A course of 30 lessons for beginners in Italian - Record 1 - Lessons 1 - 16Hugh Shankland / Ernesto Mussi19703
Picture of OP 147/148 Amici, Buona sera! - Starting Italian - A course of 30 lessons for beginners in Italian -  Record 2 - Lessons 17 - 30 by artist Hugh Shankland / Ernesto Mussi from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 147/148Amici, Buona sera! - Starting Italian - A course of 30 lessons for beginners in Italian - Record 2 - Lessons 17 - 30Hugh Shankland / Ernesto Mussi19703
Picture of OP 149/150 Reiseburo Atlas - Starting German - A BBC Radio course of 30 lessons for beginners - Record 1 - Lessons 1 - 17 by artist R. M. Oldnall / Wulf Kunne from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 149/150Reiseburo Atlas - Starting German - A BBC Radio course of 30 lessons for beginners - Record 1 - Lessons 1 - 17R. M. Oldnall / Wulf Kunne19703
Picture of OP 151/152 Reiseburo Atlas - Starting German - A BBC Radio course of 30 lessons for beginners - Record 2 - Lessons 18 - 30 by artist R. M. Oldnall / Wulf Kunne from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 151/152Reiseburo Atlas - Starting German - A BBC Radio course of 30 lessons for beginners - Record 2 - Lessons 18 - 30R. M. Oldnall / Wulf Kunne19703
Picture of OP 153/154 Wiedersehen in Ansburg - A BBC radio course for those with some knowledge of German - Record 1 - Lessons 1 - 11 by artist Alexandra Marchl-von-Herwarth / Edith R. Baer from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 153/154Wiedersehen in Ansburg - A BBC radio course for those with some knowledge of German - Record 1 - Lessons 1 - 11Alexandra Marchl-von-Herwarth / Edith R. Baer19703
Picture of OP 155/156 Wiedersehen in Ansburg - A BBC radio course for those with some knowledge of German - Record 2 - Lessons 12 - 20 by artist Alexandra Marchl-von-Herwarth / Edith R. Baer from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 155/156Wiedersehen in Ansburg - A BBC radio course for those with some knowledge of German - Record 2 - Lessons 12 - 20Alexandra Marchl-von-Herwarth / Edith R. Baer19703
Picture of OP 157/158 (S) (See Singles section) by artist  from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 157/158 (S)(See Singles section)Unknown artist for record19733
Picture of OP 159/160 The age of steam by artist Alex Glasgow from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 159/160The age of steamAlex Glasgow19703
Picture of OP 161/162 Starting Spanish - A BBC Radio course of 40 lessons for beginners - Record 1 - Lessons 1 - 22 by artist Brian Dutton / Angel Garcia de Paredes from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 161/162Starting Spanish - A BBC Radio course of 40 lessons for beginners - Record 1 - Lessons 1 - 22Brian Dutton / Angel Garcia de Paredes19703
Picture of OP 163/164 Starting Spanish - A BBC Radio course of 40 lessons for beginners - Record 2 - Lessons 23 - 40 by artist Brian Dutton / Angel Garcia de Paredes from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 163/164Starting Spanish - A BBC Radio course of 40 lessons for beginners - Record 2 - Lessons 23 - 40Brian Dutton / Angel Garcia de Paredes19703
Picture of OP 165/166 History 1917-1971 - War and peace in Europe by artist Various from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 165/166History 1917-1971 - War and peace in EuropeVarious19713
Picture of OP 167/168 Zarabanda - A BBC Television course of 25 programmes for beginners in Spanish - Record 1 - Programmes 1 - 12 by artist Milo Sperber / Manuel Fernandez Gasalla from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 167/168Zarabanda - A BBC Television course of 25 programmes for beginners in Spanish - Record 1 - Programmes 1 - 12Milo Sperber / Manuel Fernandez Gasalla19713
Picture of OP 169/170 Zarabanda - A BBC Television course of 25 programmes for beginners in Spanish - Record 2 - Programmes 13 - 25 by artist Milo Sperber / Manuel Fernandez Gasalla from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 169/170Zarabanda - A BBC Television course of 25 programmes for beginners in Spanish - Record 2 - Programmes 13 - 25Milo Sperber / Manuel Fernandez Gasalla19713
Picture of OP 171/172 (S) (See Singles section) by artist  from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 171/172 (S)(See Singles section)Unknown artist for recordUnknown year for record3
Picture of OP 173/174 Vient de paraitre - A BBC radio French series - Record 1 - Lessons 1 - 10 by artist Richard Martineau from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 173/174Vient de paraitre - A BBC radio French series - Record 1 - Lessons 1 - 10Richard Martineau19723
Picture of OP 175/176 Vient de paraitre - A BBC radio French series - Record 2 - Lessons 11 - 20 by artist Richard Martineau from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 175/176Vient de paraitre - A BBC radio French series - Record 2 - Lessons 11 - 20Richard Martineau19723
Picture of OP 177/178 Avventura - A beginner's course in Italian - Record 1 - Programmes 1 - 12 by artist Alfio Bernabei / Romolo Bruni from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 177/178Avventura - A beginner's course in Italian - Record 1 - Programmes 1 - 12Alfio Bernabei / Romolo Bruni19723
Picture of OP 179/180 Avventura - A beginner's course in Italian - Record 2 - Programmes 13 - 25 by artist Alfio Bernabei / Romolo Bruni from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 179/180Avventura - A beginner's course in Italian - Record 2 - Programmes 13 - 25Alfio Bernabei / Romolo Bruni19733
Picture of OP 181/182 Tal como es - BBC radio Second year Spanish - Record 1 - Programmes 1-10 by artist Carmen Ruiz / Pepe Machado from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 181/182Tal como es - BBC radio Second year Spanish - Record 1 - Programmes 1-10Carmen Ruiz / Pepe Machado19723
Picture of OP 183/184 Tal como es - BBC radio Second year Spanish - Record 2 - Programmes 11 - 20 by artist Carmen Ruiz / Pepe Machado from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 183/184Tal como es - BBC radio Second year Spanish - Record 2 - Programmes 11 - 20Carmen Ruiz / Pepe Machado19733
Picture of OP 185/186 Rendez-vous a Chaviray - BBC radio Second Year French - Record 1 - Lessons 1 - 10 by artist John Ross / Madeleine Le Cunff from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 185/186Rendez-vous a Chaviray - BBC radio Second Year French - Record 1 - Lessons 1 - 10John Ross / Madeleine Le Cunff19713
Picture of OP 187/188 Rendez-vous a Chaviray - BBC radio Second Year French - Record 2 - Lessons 19 - 20 by artist John Ross / Madeleine Le Cunff from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 187/188Rendez-vous a Chaviray - BBC radio Second Year French - Record 2 - Lessons 19 - 20John Ross / Madeleine Le Cunff19713
Picture of OP 189/190 Ochen' priyatno Record 1 - A BBC Radio course for beginners in Russian - Record 1 - Programmes 1 - 10 by artist Michael L. Frewin / Albina Braithwaite from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 189/190Ochen' priyatno Record 1 - A BBC Radio course for beginners in Russian - Record 1 - Programmes 1 - 10Michael L. Frewin / Albina Braithwaite19743
Picture of OP 191/192 Ochen' priyatno Record 2 - A BBC Radio course for beginners in Russian - Record 2 - Programmes 11 - 20 by artist Michael L. Frewin / Albina Braithwaite from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 191/192Ochen' priyatno Record 2 - A BBC Radio course for beginners in Russian - Record 2 - Programmes 11 - 20Michael L. Frewin / Albina Braithwaite19743
Picture of OP 193/194 Punti di vista - BBC Radio second year Italian - Record 1 - Programmes 1 - 10 by artist Various from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 193/194Punti di vista - BBC Radio second year Italian - Record 1 - Programmes 1 - 10Various19743
Picture of OP 195/196 Punti di vista - BBC Radio second year Italian - Record 1 - Programmes 11 - 20 by artist Various from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 195/196Punti di vista - BBC Radio second year Italian - Record 1 - Programmes 11 - 20Various19743
Picture of OP 197/198 (S) (See Singles section) by artist  from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 197/198 (S)(See Singles section)Unknown artist for recordUnknown year for record3
Picture of OP 199/200 Rendez-vous a Chaviray - BBC radio Second Year French - Record 3 - Lessons 19 - 25 by artist John Ross / Madeleine Le Cunff from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 199/200Rendez-vous a Chaviray - BBC radio Second Year French - Record 3 - Lessons 19 - 25John Ross / Madeleine Le Cunff19713
Picture of OP 201/202 Guitar school - Record 1 - Method and music by artist Michael Jessett from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 201/202Guitar school - Record 1 - Method and musicMichael Jessett19693
Picture of OP 203/204 Guitar school - Record 2 - Method by artist Michael Jessett from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 203/204Guitar school - Record 2 - MethodMichael Jessett19733
Picture of OP 205/206 Guitar school - Record 3 - Music by artist Michael Jessett from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 205/206Guitar school - Record 3 - MusicMichael Jessett19733
Picture of OP 207/208 Guitar school - Record 4 - Method by artist Michael Jessett from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 207/208Guitar school - Record 4 - MethodMichael Jessett19693
Picture of OP 209/210 Guitar school - Record 5 - Music by artist Michael Jessett from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 209/210Guitar school - Record 5 - MusicMichael Jessett19693
No coverOP 211BBC Radio Second Year Russian - Sidaniye v Moskvye - Record 1 - Programmes 1-10Michael L. Frewin / Alla Braithwaite19743
No coverOP 212BBC Radio Second Year Russian - Sidaniye v Moskvye - Record 2 - Programmes 11-20Michael L. Frewin / Alla Braithwaite19743
Picture of OP 213 Kontakte - A combined Television and Radio course for beginners in German - Record 1 - Programmes 1 - 10 by artist Corinna Schnabel / Antony Peck from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 213Kontakte - A combined Television and Radio course for beginners in German - Record 1 - Programmes 1 - 10Corinna Schnabel / Antony Peck19743
Picture of OP 214 Kontakte - A combined Television and Radio course for beginners in German - Record 2 - Programmes 11 - 20 by artist Corinna Schnabel / Antony Peck from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 214Kontakte - A combined Television and Radio course for beginners in German - Record 2 - Programmes 11 - 20Corinna Schnabel / Antony Peck19743
Picture of OP 215 Kontakte - A combined Television and Radio course for beginners in German - Record 3 - Interviews from programmes 1 - 25 by artist Corinna Schnabel / Antony Peck from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 215Kontakte - A combined Television and Radio course for beginners in German - Record 3 - Interviews from programmes 1 - 25Corinna Schnabel / Antony Peck19753
Picture of OP 216 Ensemble 1 - French for beginners - Programmes 1 - 12 by artist Various from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 216Ensemble 1 - French for beginners - Programmes 1 - 12Various19753
Picture of OP 217 Ensemble 2 - French for beginners - Programmes 13 - 24 by artist Various from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 217Ensemble 2 - French for beginners - Programmes 13 - 24Various19763
Picture of OP 218 Wegweiser 1 - Second stage course in German - Programmes 1 - 10 by artist Antony Peck from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 218Wegweiser 1 - Second stage course in German - Programmes 1 - 10Antony Peck19753
Picture of OP 219 Wegweiser 2 - Second stage course in German - Programmes 11 - 20 by artist Antony Peck from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 219Wegweiser 2 - Second stage course in German - Programmes 11 - 20Antony Peck19753
Picture of OP 220 Dewch I Siarad - Lets Speak Welsh 1 by artist J. Idris Evans / Bernard Evans from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 220Dewch I Siarad - Lets Speak Welsh 1J. Idris Evans / Bernard Evans19753
Picture of OP 221 Dewch I Siarad - Lets Speak Welsh 2 by artist Bernard Evans from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 221Dewch I Siarad - Lets Speak Welsh 2Bernard Evans19753
Picture of OP 222 Sur le vif 1 - Second stage French course - Programmes 1 - 10 by artist Various from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 222Sur le vif 1 - Second stage French course - Programmes 1 - 10Various19833
Picture of OP 223 Sur le vif 2 - Second stage French course - Programmes 11 - 20 by artist Various from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 223Sur le vif 2 - Second stage French course - Programmes 11 - 20Various19763
Picture of OP 224 Bird sounds and their meaning by artist Terry Gompertz from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 224Bird sounds and their meaningTerry Gompertz19773
Picture of OP 225 Allez France! 1  - Programmes 1 - 12 by artist Various from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 225Allez France! 1 - Programmes 1 - 12Various19773
Picture of OP 226 Allez France! 2 - Programmes 13 - 20 by artist Various from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 226Allez France! 2 - Programmes 13 - 20Various19773
Picture of OP 230 Digame ! 1 - A television and radio course for beginners in Spanish - Programmes 1 - 9 by artist Various from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 230Digame ! 1 - A television and radio course for beginners in Spanish - Programmes 1 - 9Various19833
Picture of OP 231 Digame ! 2 - A television and radio course for beginners in Spanish - Programmes 10 - 20 by artist Various from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 231Digame ! 2 - A television and radio course for beginners in Spanish - Programmes 10 - 20Various19833
No coverOP 234Kein Problem Record 1Unknown19833
Picture of OP 235 Kein Problem Record 2 by artist Unknown from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 235Kein Problem Record 2Unknown19833
Picture of OP 236 Can Seo 1 (Gaelic) by artist Dr. Donald John MacLeod from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 236Can Seo 1 (Gaelic)Dr. Donald John MacLeod19833
Picture of OP 237 Can Seo 2 (Gaelic) by artist Dr. Donald John MacLeod from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 237Can Seo 2 (Gaelic)Dr. Donald John MacLeod19833
Picture of OP 238 Por aqui - A BBC second-stage radio course in Spanish - Record 1 - Programmes 1 - 11 by artist Various from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 238Por aqui - A BBC second-stage radio course in Spanish - Record 1 - Programmes 1 - 11Various19793
Picture of OP 239 Por aqui - A BBC second-stage radio course in Spanish - Record 2 - Programmes 12 - 20 by artist Various from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 239Por aqui - A BBC second-stage radio course in Spanish - Record 2 - Programmes 12 - 20Various19793
No coverOP 243(Language course)Unknown artist for record19833
Picture of OP 248 Russian Language And People - Record 1 A self-instructional course for beginners in Russian by artist Terry Culhane from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 248Russian Language And People - Record 1 A self-instructional course for beginners in RussianTerry Culhane19793
Picture of OP 249 Russian Language And People - Record 2 A self-instructional course for beginners in Russian by artist Terry Culhane from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 249Russian Language And People - Record 2 A self-instructional course for beginners in RussianTerry Culhane19793
Picture of OP 250 Russian Language And People - Record 3 A self-instructional course for beginners in Russian by artist Terry Culhane from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 250Russian Language And People - Record 3 A self-instructional course for beginners in RussianTerry Culhane19793
Picture of OP 251 Digame ! 3 - A television and radio course for beginners in Spanish - Programmes 21 - 30 by artist Bob Winterfield / Alan Wilding from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 251Digame ! 3 - A television and radio course for beginners in Spanish - Programmes 21 - 30Bob Winterfield / Alan Wilding19833
Picture of OP 257 Hold down a chord - A guitar course for beginners by artist John Pearse from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 257Hold down a chord - A guitar course for beginnersJohn Pearse19813
Picture of OP 260 Buongiorno Italia - 1-8 by artist Maddalena Fagandini / Antonietta Terry / Alan Wilding from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 260Buongiorno Italia - 1-8Maddalena Fagandini / Antonietta Terry / Alan Wilding19833
Picture of OP 261 Buongiorno Italia - 9-14 by artist Maddalena Fagandini / Antonietta Terry / Alan Wilding from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 261Buongiorno Italia - 9-14Maddalena Fagandini / Antonietta Terry / Alan Wilding19823
Picture of OP 262 Buongiorno Italia - 15-20 by artist Maddalena Fagandini / Antonietta Terry / Alan Wilding from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 262Buongiorno Italia - 15-20Maddalena Fagandini / Antonietta Terry / Alan Wilding19823
Picture of OP 266 L' Italia dal vivo - 1-6 by artist Various from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 266L' Italia dal vivo - 1-6Various19833
Picture of OP 267 L' Italia dal vivo - 7-13 by artist Various from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 267L' Italia dal vivo - 7-13Various19833
Picture of OP 268 L' Italia dal vivo - 14-20 by artist Various from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 268L' Italia dal vivo - 14-20Various19833
Picture of OP 269 Greek language and people by artist David A. Hardy from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 269Greek language and peopleDavid A. Hardy19833
Picture of OP 270 Greek language and people by artist David A. Hardy from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 270Greek language and peopleDavid A. Hardy19833
Picture of OP 271 Greek language and people by artist David A. Hardy from the BBC albums - Records and Tapes libraryOP 271Greek language and peopleDavid A. Hardy19833


© 2002-2025 Mike Everitt.

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