Main menuStar Trek Original series CDs
Below is a listing from the CDs Category.
Welcome to my listing of CDs from my collection. To view a different section (for example the BBC Transcription discs if there are any for this), select the new section in the links above this message.
To view details of a particular release, simply click on the picture or the text which follows underneath in the display below. By viewing a release page, you will find a lot more information about that particular release which includes basic details of it like the artist and year of release, any track details for the release (if applicable), lists of other similar releases as well as any other pictures I have taken. If there are linked videos, then you will be able to see the them in a form of a youtube embedded object into the webpage!
This section includes all the releases where they were not directly released by the BBC itself, but normally licenced by the BBC to a third party. Although I am only actively collecting records from Doctor Who (see Doctor Who link), I *might* be interested in others. Feel free to contact me if you have something similar to other items in the collection. Would you mind please contacting me using the Contact me page?
Star Trek Original series CDs (1990-1990)
Star Trek est une franchise médiatique américaine d'opéra spatial basée sur la série télévisée de science-fiction créée par Gene Roddenberry. La première série télévisée, simplement appelée Star Trek et désormais appelée « The Original Series », a fait ses débuts en 1966 et a été diffusée pendant trois saisons sur NBC. Il suivait les aventures interstellaires du capitaine James T. Kirk (William Shatner) et de son équipage à bord du vaisseau USS Enterprise, un vaisseau d'exploration spatiale construit par la Fédération Unie des Planètes au 23e siècle. Le canon de Star Trek comprend The Original Series, une série animée, cinq séries télévisées dérivées, la franchise cinématographique et d'autres adaptations dans plusieurs médias.