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The Cure Albums

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albums picture Picture from The Cure Albums (1986-2024)

The Cure are an English rock band formed in Crawley in 1976. The band has experienced several line-up changes, with vocalist, guitarist, and principal songwriter Robert Smith being the only constant member. The current members are Robert Smith, Simon Gallop, Roger O'Donnell, Jason Cooper and Reeves Gabrels.

The Cure first began releasing music in the late 1970s with their debut album Three Imaginary Boys (1979); this, along with several early singles, placed the band as part of the post-punk and new wave movements that had sprung up in the wake of the punk rock revolution in the United Kingdom. During the early 1980s, the band's increasingly dark and tormented music (as well as Smith's stage look) was a staple of the emerging style of music known as gothic rock.

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Picture of Kiss me kiss me kiss me by artist The Cure
The Cure
Kiss me kiss me kiss me

0602547875655 UK flag ***** Remastered, 180gram - Limited edition

Picture of Acoustic hits by artist The Cure
The Cure
Acoustic hits

572634 - 5 UK flag ***** Record Store Day 2017 - Picture discs
Picture of Greatest hits by artist The Cure
The Cure
Greatest hits

572613 - 0 UK flag ***** Record Store Day 2017 - Picture discs

Picture of Mixed up by artist The Cure
The Cure
Mixed up

870998 - 8 UK flag ***** Record Store Day 2018 - Picture discs
Picture of Torn down: Mixed up extras by artist The Cure
The Cure
Torn down: Mixed up extras

870999 - 2 UK flag ***** Record Store Day 2018 - Picture discs

Picture of Bloodflowers by artist The Cure
The Cure

084 797-2 UK flag ***** Record Store Day 2020 - Picture disc
Picture of Seventeen seconds by artist The Cure
The Cure
Seventeen seconds

00602508479755 UK flag ***** Record Store Day 2020 - Picture discs

Picture of Faith by artist The Cure
The Cure

350 805 - 4 UK flag ***** Record Store Day 2021 - Picture disc
Picture of Wild mood swings by artist The Cure
The Cure
Wild mood swings

350 811 - 7 UK flag ***** Record Store Day 2021 - Picture disc

Picture of Japanese Whispers by artist The Cure
The Cure
Japanese Whispers

602435081052 UK flag ***** Record Store Day 2021 - Picture disc
Picture of Pornography by artist The Cure
The Cure

384311 - 5 UK flag ***** Record Store Day 2022 - Picture disc

Picture of Wish by artist The Cure
The Cure

FIXH 20 UK flag ***** Limited edition
Picture of Wish by artist The Cure
The Cure

357 931-9 UK flag ***** Record Store Day 2023 - Picture Disc

Picture of Show by artist The Cure
The Cure

484 789 - 5 UK flag ***** Record Store Day 2023 - Picture Disc

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© 2002-2025 Mike Everitt.

Deze pagina is voor het laatst bijgewerkt op : 2023-04-22