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BBC singles BBC - Dutch

Below is a listing from the BBC singles BBC - Dutch.

Please find the details I have recorded for this label.

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BBC singles BBC - Dutch

Release details

Below listed is some general details I have for this catalogue, including if it is in my collection.
CategoryBBC singles BBC - Dutch
Sleeve picturePicture of label singles BBC - Dutch
Category descriptionBBC records released to the Dutch public. The labels and catalogue numbers are usually the same as UK versions.
Label descriptionThis design was used the Dutch singles released in the 1980s. This is a unique design.

Release list

Below is a list of releases which I have with this label (Note that others may exist.)
Catalogue number and title
LL 13
The Pallisers
Rating: 3
RESL 51-iD
Who pays the ferryman?
Rating: 5


Here are some statistics about this page.
This label has been seen 261 times since 13th February, 2022.


© 2002-2025 Mike Everitt.

This page was last updated on: 13-01-2025 at 1:08:28