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BBC albums BBC - US

Below is a listing from the BBC albums BBC - US.

Please find the details I have recorded for this label.

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BBC albums BBC - US

Release details

Below listed is some general details I have for this catalogue, including if it is in my collection.
CategoryBBC albums BBC - US
Sleeve picturePicture of label albums BBC - US
Category descriptionBBC records released to the US public. The labels are the same as the UK releases and catalogue numbers are different to the UK versions.
Label descriptionThis was the design used for US albums releases in the 1970s and 80s. It is the same design as the BBC albums fourth release.

Release list

Below is a list of releases which I have with this label (Note that others may exist.)
Catalogue number and title
Music from the 20 most popular BBC TV series
Rating: 3
Doctor Who - Collectors edition
Rating: 3
BBC - 22003
The Complete Fawlty Towers Record Collection
Rating: 3
BBC - 22073
Monty Python's flying circus
Rating: 3
BBC - 22142
The last Goon show of all
Rating: 3
BBC - 22193
The best of round the Horne
Rating: 3
BBC - 22260
Hancock: The lift / Twelve angry men
Rating: 3
BBC - 22269
Death & horror sound effects
Rating: 3
BBC - 22316
Doctor Who sound effects
Rating: 3
BBC - 22347
Music for silent movies
Rating: 3
BBC - 22377
Fawlty Towers
Rating: 3
BBC - 22390
Sounds of speed
Rating: 3
BBC - 22398
Bing - The final chapter
Rating: 3
BBC - 22404
Goin' home - 1000 Welsh male voices
Rating: 3
BBC - 22405
Fawlty Towers: Second Sitting
Rating: 3
BBC - 22440
The flight of the condor
Rating: 3
BBC - 22449
Fawlty Towers: At Your Service
Rating: 3
BBC - 22452
Even more death and horror
Rating: 3
BBC - 22484
Fawlty Towers - A la carte
Rating: 3


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This label has been seen 245 times since 13th February, 2022.


© 2002-2025 Mike Everitt.

This page was last updated on: 13-01-2025 at 2:39:54