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The Stranglers, Always the Sun 7" Einzel

Release details

TitleAlways the Sun
Artist(s):The Stranglers
Category:The Stranglers (Click on this button to view other releases of The Stranglers 7" Einzel.)
Label and catalogue number:Picture of images/labels/Epic.jpg labelEpic - 34 - 06990
Format:Vinyl 7" Einzel
Country:USA USA flag
Genre:Music - Punk and New wave View all other tracks listed as Music - Punk and New wave.
Run-off codes:
Item deleted?Yes
Distributed / printed byPicture of images/labels/Epic.jpg labelEpic
Page views:2826 times since 20th May, 2017, global rank is 2036, rank in singles is 487.
My rating:*****
Guest rating:*****

My copies information

This section shows the information I have recorded for this release.
Cover conditionRecord Company Cover
Record conditionVery Good Plus
Number have1
What type of seller was usedNot recorded
Where can I buy this release?You may be able to purchase this release from the following websites (others are available!)


Below is a list of tracks for this release.
Side & track noTrack and ArtistLength
A1Always the Sun [The Stranglers]
B1Always the Sun [The Stranglers]
Total length of media 0:00.

All release pictures

Below is all the cover (front, back, middle and inserts if applicable) and label pictures I have for this release.
Front cover
Front cover of 34 - 06990
Back cover
Back cover of 34 - 06990
Label Label


Below is my review for this release and the ratings.
Another one of my favourites, I just have to sing it all the way through ... This is the US version sent to radio stations.
My rating5
Guest ratingCurrent average value is 3.

To vote, please select one of these buttons:

Extra notes on cover, middle (gatefold sleeve) and any inserts


Jet Black (Brian Duffy) (1974-), Jean-Jacques Burnel (1974-), Hugh Cornwell (up to 1990), Hans Warmling (up to 1975), Dave Greenfield (1975-2020), Paul Roberts (1990-2006), John Ellis (1990-2000), Baz Warne (2000-) US import, demonstration record.

Other versions

I have other similar versions, here is the 'primary' release in the database:
SOLAR 1Always the Sun

Other versions

I have the title track on these releases:
[singles]650130 7Always the Sun
[singles]JC 1519Always the Sun
[singles]SOLAR 1Always the Sun
[singles]ES 1174Always the Sun
[singles]SOLAR D 1Always the Sun / Nice in Nice
[singles]IE4 - 7198Always the Sun
[singles]SOLAR P 1Always the Sun
[singles]656430 7Always the Sun (Sunny side up mix)
[12inches]SOLAR T 1Always the Sun
[12inches]ES 12201Always the sun
[12inches]656430 6Always the Sun
[cassingles]656430 4Always the Sun (Sunny side up mix)
[cdsingles]656430 5Always the Sun (Live)
[cdsingles]656430 2Always the Sun
[albums]HITS 5Hits 5
[albums]EPC 26648Dreamtime
[albums]EPC II 26648Dreamtime
[albums]463366 1Dreamtime
[albums]460259 1All live and all of the night
[albums]460259 1 PAll live and all of the night
[albums]466835 1Feline / Dreamtime
[albums]467541 1Greatest hits 1977 - 1990
[albums]ESSLP 194Saturday night, Sunday morning
[albums]0190295187149Peaches - The very best of the Stranglers
[albums]INCA 666Aural fantasy
[cds]463366 2Dreamtime
[cds]CDEPC 26648Dreamtime
[cds]EK 40607Dreamtime
[cds]460259 2All live and all of the night
[cds]466835 2Feline / Dreamtime
[cds]467395 2Feline / Aural sculpture / Dreamtime
[cds]467541 2Greatest hits 1977 - 1990
[cds]467541 9Greatest hits
[cds]471416 2All twelve inches
[cds]CDADV 101The hit men
[cds]509826 2Sweet smell of success
[cds]R2CD 42-57Gold
[cds]PRMCD 2004Anthology
[cds]2100000 48652610 track collectors album
[cds]CG009Here & there
[dvds]CMP 1009Live at Alexandra Palace

Further information

The Stranglers sind eine englische Rockband, die aus der Punkrock-Szene hervorgegangen ist. Die aktuellen Mitglieder sind Jean-Jacques Burnel, Baz Warne, Jim Macaulay und Toby Hounsham. Frühere Mitglieder waren Pechschwarz, Hugh Cornwell, Hans Warmling, Dave Greenfield, John Ellis und Paul Roberts.

Mit rund 23 UK-Top-40-Singles und 17 UK-Top-40-Alben in ihrer vier Jahrzehnte umspannenden Karriere sind die Stranglers eine der am längsten überlebenden und „kontinuierlich erfolgreichsten“ Bands überhaupt in der britischen Punkszene. Sie wurden am 11. September 1974 in Guildford, Surrey, als Guildford Stranglers gegründet und bauten sich ursprünglich Mitte der 1970er Jahre in der Pub-Rock-Szene eine Anhängerschaft auf. Ihre aggressive, kompromisslose Einstellung machte sie zwar zu einem der Initiatoren der darauffolgenden britischen Punkrock-Szene, ihr eigenwilliger Ansatz folgte jedoch selten einem einzelnen Musikgenre und die Gruppe erkundete anschließend eine Vielzahl von Musikstilen, von New Wave, Art-Rock und Gothic-Rock bis hin zum Sophisti-Pop einiger ihrer 1980er-Jahre-Produktionen. Mit ihrer Single „Golden Brown“ aus dem Jahr 1982 hatten sie großen Mainstream-Erfolg. Zu ihren weiteren Hits zählen „No More Heroes“, „Peaches“, „Always the Sun“ und „Skin Deep“ sowie der Top-40-Hit „Big Thing Coming“ aus dem Jahr 2003, der als Rückkehr zur alten Form galt.


Here are some statistics about this page.
Page views: 2826 times since 20th May, 2017, global rank is 2036, rank in singles 487.
This page was last updated on unknown

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This page was last updated on: unknown