Main menuMonty Python, Live at Drury Lane Album
Release details
Title | Live at Drury Lane |
Artist(s): | Monty Python |
Category: | Monty Pythons Flying Circus (Click on this button to view other releases of Monty Pythons Flying Circus Album.) |
Label and catalogue number: | Universal Music - 6 02458 89620 6 |
Format: | Vinyl Album |
Country: | UK  |
Released: | 2024 |
Genre: | Comedies - Sketch shows View all other tracks listed as Comedies - Sketch shows. |
Format: | Record Store Day 2024 - Picture Disc |
Run-off codes: | My copy of this record is sealed, so I cannot view the code on it. |
Item deleted? | Yes |
Distributed / printed by | Universal Music |
Page views: | 593 times since 20th May, 2017, global rank is 9742, rank in albums is 4113. |
My rating: | ***** |
Guest rating: | ***** |
My copies information
This section shows the information I have recorded for this release. |
Detail | Value |
Cover condition | Mint |
Record condition | Mint |
Number have | 1 |
What type of seller was used | Physical shop |
Where can I buy this release? | You may be able to purchase this release from the following websites (others are available!) |
| Amazon |
| Discogs |
| Ebay |
| EIL |
| MusicStack |
| Recordsale |
Below is a list of tracks for this release. |
Side & track no | Track and Artist | Length |
A1 | Introduction [Monty Python] | |
A2 | Llamas [Monty Python] | |
A3 | Gumby - Flower arranging [Monty Python] | |
A4 | Link [Monty Python] | |
A5 | Secret Service [Monty Python] | |
A6 | Wrestling [Monty Python] | |
A7 | Communist quiz [Monty Python] | |
A8 | Idiot song [Monty Python] | |
A9 | Albatross [Monty Python] | |
A10 | Colonel [Monty Python] | |
A11 | Nudge, nudge [Monty Python] | |
A12 | Cocktail bar [Monty Python] | |
A13 | Travel agent [Monty Python] | |
B1 | Spot the brain cell [Monty Python] | |
B2 | Bruces [Monty Python] | |
B3 | Argument [Monty Python] | |
B4 | Four Yorkshiremen [Monty Python] | |
B5 | Election special [Monty Python] | |
B6 | Lumberjack song [Monty Python] | |
B7 | Liberty bell [Monty Python] | |
B8 | Parrot sketch [Monty Python] | |
B9 | LIberty bell part 2 [Monty Python] | |
Total length of media 0:00. |
All release pictures
Below is all the cover (front, back, middle and inserts if applicable) and label pictures I have for this release. |
Front cover |
Back cover |
Label |
 The label picture is an example, the actual one will be added as soon as possible. |
Below is my review for this release and the ratings. |
A good entry, I will include a full review asap! |
Ratings |
My rating | 3 |
Guest rating | Current average value is 3.
To vote, please select one of these buttons: |
Other versions |
I have other similar versions, here is the 'primary' release in the database: |
VVIP 104 | Live at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane |
Further information |
I Monty Python (noti anche collettivamente come Pythons) erano un gruppo comico surreale britannico che creò il loro spettacolo comico di sketch Monty Python's Flying Circus , trasmesso per la prima volta sulla BBC nel 1969. Quarantacinque episodi furono realizzati in quattro serie. Il fenomeno Python si è sviluppato dalle serie televisive in qualcosa di più ampio in termini di portata e impatto, inclusi spettacoli teatrali itineranti, film, numerosi album, diversi libri e musical. L'influenza dei Pythons sulla commedia è stata paragonata all'influenza dei Beatles sulla musica. Il loro sketch show è stato definito "non solo una delle icone più durature della cultura popolare britannica degli anni '70, ma anche un momento importante nell'evoluzione della commedia televisiva". |
Here are some statistics about this page. |
Page views: 593 times since 20th May, 2017, global rank is 9742, rank in albums 4113. |
This page was last updated on 21-04-2024 at 19:56:12 UK local time. |
Other releases you might be interested in
Below are some other releases which are related to '6 02458 89620 6 Live at Drury Lane' based on its genre. |
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© 2002-2025 Mike Everitt.
This page was last updated on: 21-04-2024 at 19:56:12 UK local time.