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Elmer Bernstein, Airplane!

Release details

Artist(s):Elmer Bernstein
Category:Other comedy / themes (Click on this button to view other releases of Other comedy / themes Alben.)
Label and catalogue - 71984-018/RW-020PMI
Format:Vinyl Alben
Country:UK UK flag
Genre:Films - Comedies View all other tracks listed as Films - Comedies.
Format:Limited edition
Run-off codes:My copy of this record is sealed, so I cannot view the code on it.
Item deleted?Yes
Distributed / printed
Page views:379 times since 20th May, 2017, global rank is 11304, rank in albums is 5019.
My rating:*****
Guest rating:*****

My copies information

This section shows the information I have recorded for this release.
Cover conditionMint
Record conditionMint
Number have1
What type of seller was usedPhysical shop
Where can I buy this release?You may be able to purchase this release from the following websites (others are available!)


Below is a list of tracks for this release.
Side & track noTrack and ArtistLength
A1Main title [Elmer Bernstein]1.54
A2Kiss off [Elmer Bernstein]0.48
A3Ambulance arrives [Elmer Bernstein]0.32
A4Hari Krishna / Ticket / Nervous [Elmer Bernstein]2.45
A5Lisa / Farewell / Take off / Another meeting [Elmer Bernstein]3.18
A6Fighting girls [Elmer Bernstein]0.47
A7Love theme from Airplane! [Elmer Bernstein]1.07
A8From here to there [Elmer Bernstein]2.08
A9Head / Memory [Elmer Bernstein]1.14
A10Shimmer / Molumbo [Elmer Bernstein]1.02
A11Zip / Eggs / Roger, take over [Elmer Bernstein]2.34
A12Wild violins / Sickness / Idea [Elmer Bernstein]2.26
B1The she blows! / Flash / Panel [Elmer Bernstein]2.23
B2"Where the hell is Kramer?" / Trouble [Elmer Bernstein]1.02
B3Mayday [Elmer Bernstein]0.56
B4Punch-up / Kramer [Elmer Bernstein]1.14
B5Clumsy [Elmer Bernstein]0.56
B6Dog fight / Failure / Pep talk / Notre Dame victory march / Master [Elmer Bernstein]3.45
B7News [Elmer Bernstein]0.56
B8"Runway is niner" / "The gear is down and we're ready to land" [Elmer Bernstein]1.03
B9Crasher [Elmer Bernstein]4.02
B10Resolution / Tag [Elmer Bernstein]1.52
B11Notre Dame victory march [Elmer Bernstein]2.01
Total length of media 40:45.

All release pictures

Below is all the cover (front, back, middle and inserts if applicable) and label pictures I have for this release.
Front cover
Front cover of 71984-018/RW-020PMI
Back cover
Back cover of 71984-018/RW-020PMI


Below is my review for this release and the ratings.
A good entry, I will include a full review asap!
My rating3
Guest ratingCurrent average value is 3.

To vote, please select one of these buttons:

Extra notes on cover, middle (gatefold sleeve) and any inserts

There Is No Stopping In The White Zone" version limited to 750 copies.

Other versions

I have the title track on these releases:
[dvds]PHE 8046Airplane!
[dvds]PHE 9124Airplane! Airplane II the sequel collection

Further information

Dieser Abschnitt enthält andere Comedy- und Filmthemen, die nicht mit TV-Comedy- und Kompilationsveröffentlichungen in Zusammenhang stehen.


Here are some statistics about this page.
Page views: 379 times since 20th May, 2017, global rank is 11304, rank in albums 5019.
This page was last updated on 21-04-2024 at 20:47:22 UK local time.

Other releases you might be interested in

Below are some other releases which are related to '71984-018/RW-020PMI Airplane!' based on its genre.


© 2002-2025 Mike Everitt.

This page was last updated on: 21-04-2024 at 20:47:22 UK local time.