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Barry Letts, Blake's 7 - The radio adventures

Release details

TitleBlake's 7 - The radio adventures
Artist(s):Barry Letts
Category:BBC - BBC Radio Collection-ISBN (Click on this button to view other releases of BBC - BBC Radio Collection-ISBN CDs.)
Label and catalogue number:Picture of images/labels/BBC Radio Collection.jpg labelBBC Radio Collection - ISBN 0-563-52586-X
Format:Disc CDs
Country:UK UK flag
Genre:Dramas - Sci-fi View all other tracks listed as Dramas - Sci-fi.
Run-off codes:BBC 056352586X DOCdata UK
BBC 056352586X-2 DOCdata UK
BBC 056352586X-3 DOCdata UK
Item deleted?Yes
Distributed / printed byPicture of images/labels/BBC Audiobooks Ltd..jpg labelBBC Audiobooks Ltd.
Page views:211 times since 20th May, 2017, global rank is 11713, rank in cds is 863.
My rating:*****
Guest rating:*****

My copies information

This section shows the information I have recorded for this release.
Cover conditionVery Good Plus
Record conditionNear mint
BBC records label code-
Number have1
What type of seller was usedDiscogs online shop
Where can I buy this release?You may be able to purchase this release from the following websites (others are available!)


Below is a list of tracks for this release.
Side & track noTrack and ArtistLength
A1 Track 1 [Barry Letts]
A2Track 2 [Barry Letts]
A3Track 3 [Barry Letts]
A4Track 4 [Barry Letts]
A5Track 5 [Barry Letts]
A6Track 6 [Barry Letts]
A7Track 7 [Barry Letts]
A8Track 8 [Barry Letts]
A9Track 9 [Barry Letts]
A10Track 10 [Barry Letts]
A11 Track 11 [Barry Letts]
A12Track 12 [Barry Letts]
A13Track 13 [Barry Letts]
A14Track 14 [Barry Letts]
A15Track 15 [Barry Letts]
A16Track 16 [Barry Letts]
A17Track 17 [Barry Letts]
A18Track 18 [Barry Letts]
A19Track 19 [Barry Letts]
A20Track 20 [Barry Letts]
B1 Track 1 [Barry Letts]
B2Track 2 [Barry Letts]
B3Track 3 [Barry Letts]
B4Track 4 [Barry Letts]
B5Track 5 [Barry Letts]
B6Track 6 [Barry Letts]
B7Track 7 [Barry Letts]
B8Track 8 [Barry Letts]
B9Track 9 [Barry Letts]
B10Track 10 [Barry Letts]
B11Track 11 [Barry Letts]
B12Track 12 [Barry Letts]
B13Track 13 [Barry Letts]
B14Track 14 [Barry Letts]
B15Track 15 [Barry Letts]
B16Paul Darrow interview [Paul Darrow]
B17Michael Keating interview [Michael Keating]
B18Jacqueline Pearce interview [Jacqueline Pearce]
B19Steven Pacey interview [Steven Pacey]
B20Peter Tuddenham interview [Peter Tuddenham]
B21Zen and the art of Blake's 7 [Mitch Benn / Paul Darrow / Alan Stevens / Phillipa Watts]
B22Zen and the art of Blake's 7 [Mitch Benn / Paul Darrow / Alan Stevens / Phillipa Watts]
B23Zen and the art of Blake's 7 [Mitch Benn / Paul Darrow / Alan Stevens / Phillipa Watts]
B24Zen and the art of Blake's 7 [Mitch Benn / Paul Darrow / Alan Stevens / Phillipa Watts]
B25Zen and the art of Blake's 7 [Mitch Benn / Paul Darrow / Alan Stevens / Phillipa Watts]
C2Track 2 [Barry Letts]
C3Track 3 [Barry Letts]
C4Track 4 [Barry Letts]
C5Track 5 [Barry Letts]
C6Track 6 [Barry Letts]
C7Track 7 [Barry Letts]
C8Track 8 [Barry Letts]
C9Track 9 [Barry Letts]
C10Track 10 [Barry Letts]
C11Track 11 [Barry Letts]
C12Track 12 [Barry Letts]
C13Track 13 [Barry Letts]
C14Track 14 [Barry Letts]
C15Track 15 [Barry Letts]
C16Track 16 [Barry Letts]
C17Track 17 [Barry Letts]
C18Track 18 [Barry Letts]
C19Track 19 [Barry Letts]
C20Track 20 [Barry Letts]
Total length of media 0:00.

All release pictures

Below is all the cover (front, back, middle and inserts if applicable) and label pictures I have for this release.
Front cover
Front cover of ISBN 0-563-52586-X
Back cover
Back cover of ISBN 0-563-52586-X
Middle of cover
Middle of cover of ISBN 0-563-52586-X Middle of cover of ISBN 0-563-52586-X Middle of cover of ISBN 0-563-52586-X Middle of cover of ISBN 0-563-52586-X Middle of cover of ISBN 0-563-52586-X
Inserts from ISBN 0-563-52586-X Inserts from ISBN 0-563-52586-X Inserts from ISBN 0-563-52586-X
Label LabelLabel


Below is my review for this release and the ratings.
Avon - Paul Darrow
Vila - Michael Keating
Tarrant - Steven Pacey
Servalan - Jacqueline Pearce
Dayna - Angela Bruce
Soolin - Paula Wilcox
Orac - Peter Tuddenham
King Gheblakon - Pip Donaghy (The sevenfold crown only)
Jelka - Janet Dale (The Sevenfold crown only)
Dr Kapple - Christian Rodska (The sevenfold crown only)
Gaskia - Judy Cornwall (The syndeton experiment only)
Dr Rossum - Peter Jeffrey (The syndeton experiment only)
Vledka - Graham Padden (The syndeton experiment only)
Others - Graham Padden / Simon Carter / Kim Durham / Cornelius Garret / Rob Swinton / Katherine Mount / Susan Jeffrey (The Sevenfold crown only)
Music by
Dudley Simpson
Jeff Mearns
Written by
Barry Letts
Directed by
Brian Lighthill
My rating3
Guest ratingCurrent average value is 3.

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Further information

A selection of archive collections from across the BBC.


Here are some statistics about this page.
Page views: 211 times since 20th May, 2017, global rank is 11713, rank in cds 863.
This page was last updated on 29-01-2025 at 11:56:42 UK local time.

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© 2002-2025 Mike Everitt.

This page was last updated on: 29-01-2025 at 11:56:42 UK local time.