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Jean Jacques Burnel, The Euroman cometh

Release details

TitleThe Euroman cometh
Artist(s):Jean Jacques Burnel
Category:Jean Jacques Burnel (Click on this button to view other releases of Jean Jacques Burnel Álbumes.)
Label and catalogue number:Demon Records - MAU 601
Format:Vinyl Álbumes
Country:UK UK flag
Genre:Music - Punk and New wave View all other tracks listed as Music - Punk and New wave.
Run-off codes:MAU 601 A-4-1-1
MAU 601 B-4-1-1-1
Item deleted?Yes
Distributed / printed byPicture of images/labels/United Artists.jpg labelUnited Artists
Page views:2061 times since 20th May, 2017, global rank is 2654, rank in albums is 1555.
My rating:*****
Guest rating:*****

My copies information

This section shows the information I have recorded for this release.
Cover conditionVery Good Plus
Record conditionNear mint
Number have1
What type of seller was usedPhysical shop
Where can I buy this release?You may be able to purchase this release from the following websites (others are available!)


Below is a list of tracks for this release.
Side & track noTrack and ArtistLength
A3Freddie Laker (Concorde and Eurobus)3.31
A5Deutschland night uber Alles4.40
B1Do the European4.30
B2Tout comprendre3.08
B3Triumph (Of the good city)4.14
B4Pretty face1.50
B6Eurospeed (Your own speed)3.44
Total length of media 38:06.

All release pictures

Below is all the cover (front, back, middle and inserts if applicable) and label pictures I have for this release.
Front cover
Front cover of MAU 601
Back cover
Back cover of MAU 601
Inserts from MAU 601
Label Label


Below is my review for this release and the ratings.
A good entry, I will include a full review asap!
My rating3
Guest ratingCurrent average value is 3.

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Extra notes on cover, middle (gatefold sleeve) and any inserts


Jean-Jacques Burnel Live tracks only available on the CD.

Other versions

I have the title track on these releases:
798535 2The Euroman cometh
PMAU 601The Euroman cometh

Further information

Jean-Jacques "JJ" Burnel (nacido el 21 de febrero de 1952 en Londres) es un músico, productor y compositor franco-inglés, mejor conocido como el bajista de la banda de rock inglesa The Stranglers.

Burnel ha sido un miembro de los Stranglers desde el inicio del grupo en 1974, pero también ha hecho dos álbumes en solitario: Euroman Cometh en 1979 y Un Jour Parfait en 1988, así como un álbum colaborativo con el miembro de Stranglers Dave Greenfield, Fire and Water (Ecoutez Vos Murs) en 1983.Burnel también ha producido y aparecido como músico invitado para varios artistas, como Lizard y ARB de Japón, Polyphonic Size (de Bélgica) y el álbum Seppuku de Taxi Girl en 1981, así como "Devant" de Laurent Sinclair. maxi single "le Miroir". Burnel también formó una banda de versiones de ritmo y blues, los Purple Helmets, que ofrecieron varios conciertos y lanzaron dos álbumes a finales de los años 1980.


Here are some statistics about this page.
Page views: 2061 times since 20th May, 2017, global rank is 2654, rank in albums 1555.
This page was last updated on 31-05-2024 at 21:46:12 UK local time.

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© 2002-2025 Mike Everitt.

This page was last updated on: 31-05-2024 at 21:46:12 UK local time.