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Harry South, The Chinese detective

Release details

TitleThe Chinese detective
Artist(s):Harry South
Category:BBC - RESL (Click on this button to view other releases of BBC - RESL 7" alleenstaanden.)
Label and catalogue number:Picture of images/labels/BBC Records.jpg labelBBC Records - RESL 91
Format:Vinyl 7" alleenstaanden
Country:UK UK flag
Genre:Dramas View all other tracks listed as Dramas.
Run-off codes:RESL 91 A-1 A 1
RESL 91 B1 A 1
Item deleted?Yes
Distributed / printed byPicture of images/labels/BBC.jpg labelBBC
Page views:1339 times since 20th May, 2017, global rank is 3735, rank in singles is 762.
My rating:*****
Guest rating:*****

My copies information

This section shows the information I have recorded for this release.
Cover conditionNear mint
Record conditionVery Good Plus
BBC records label codeE
Number have1
What type of seller was usedPhysical shop
Where can I buy this release?You may be able to purchase this release from the following websites (others are available!)


Below is a list of tracks for this release.
Side & track noTrack and ArtistLength
A1The Chinese detective [Harry South / The Harry South orchestra]2.52
B1Theme from Ho's father [Harry South / The Harry South orchestra]2.37
Total length of media 5:29.

Release videos

Below is some videos I have found for this release.

All release pictures

Below is all the cover (front, back, middle and inserts if applicable) and label pictures I have for this release.
Front cover
Front cover of RESL 91
Back cover
Back cover of RESL 91
Label Label


Below is my review for this release and the ratings.
Another theme I like, this the Chinese Detective was another one I remember watching on TV. It gets better after the initial quite quiet start.
My rating4
Guest ratingCurrent average value is 3.

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Extra notes on cover, middle (gatefold sleeve) and any inserts

The Chinese detective is a BBC TV series and stars David Yip as Detective Sergeant John Ho - the writer is Ian kennedy Martin, creater of 'The Sweeney' and 'Juliet Bravo' - TV Production is by Terence Williams.

Music arranged by Harry South.

Produced by

Mike Harding.

Other versions

I have the title track on these releases:
[albums]REH 424Top BBC TV themes - Volume 4
[albums]REH 46420 BBC drama themes
[albums]BBC 3006-iAUS50 BBC TV themes

External links

Also have a look at this external site, see link button below. Note, I am not responsible for content on external sites:

Further information

BBC Radio Enterprises Ltd en BBC Enterprises Ltd, voorlopers van BBC Worldwide / BBC Worldwide Ltd., de commerciële tak van de BBC. Ze werden respectievelijk opgericht in 1968 en 1979, waren een dochteronderneming die volledig eigendom was van de BBC en fuseerden in 1995 met BBC Worldwide. In die tijd waren er bedrijven opgericht binnen of gestructureerde merken als onderdeel van het bedrijf om afzonderlijke delen van het bedrijf af te handelen. bijv. BBC Records voor opgenomen audio. Soms geschreven als BBC Enterprise Ltd.

De hier getoonde items komen uit de "hoofd" bibliotheek van BBC Records en Tapes en bestrijken een breed scala aan genres, van thema's, komische drama's en andere, afhankelijk van het formaat dat u hebt geselecteerd.


Here are some statistics about this page.
Page views: 1339 times since 20th May, 2017, global rank is 3735, rank in singles 762.
This page was last updated on 17-04-2024 at 16:58:25 UK local time.

Other releases you might be interested in

Below are some other releases which are related to 'RESL 91 The Chinese detective' based on its genre.


© 2002-2025 Mike Everitt.

This page was last updated on: 17-04-2024 at 16:58:25 UK local time.