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The Stranglers, No more heroes Albums

Release details

TitleNo more heroes
Artist(s):The Stranglers
Category:The Stranglers (Click on this button to view other releases of The Stranglers Albums.)
Label and catalogue number:Picture of images/labels/United Artists.jpg labelUnited Artists - UALP 12196
Format:Vinyl Albums
Country:Brazil Brazil flag
Genre:Music - Punk and New wave View all other tracks listed as Music - Punk and New wave.
Run-off codes:UALP 12196 - A J/S
UALP 12196 . B J/S
Item deleted?Yes
Distributed / printed byPicture of images/labels/United Artists.jpg labelUnited Artists
Page views:1090 times since 20th May, 2017, global rank is 4926, rank in albums is 2588.
My rating:*****
Guest rating:*****

My copies information

This section shows the information I have recorded for this release.
Cover conditionVery Good Plus
Record conditionGood
Number have1
What type of seller was usedPhysical shop
Where can I buy this release?You may be able to purchase this release from the following websites (others are available!)


Below is a list of tracks for this release.
Side & track noTrack and ArtistLength
A1I feel like a wog3.18
A3Dead ringer2.46
A4Dagenham Dave3.19
A5Bring on the nubiles2.16
A6Something better change3.37
B1No more heroes3.29
B2Peasant in the big shitty3.27
B3Burning up time2.25
B4English towns2.12
B5School mam7.06
Total length of media 38:21.

All release pictures

Below is all the cover (front, back, middle and inserts if applicable) and label pictures I have for this release.
Front cover
Front cover of UALP 12196
Back cover
Back cover of UALP 12196
Inserts from UALP 12196 Inserts from UALP 12196
Label Label


Below is my review for this release and the ratings.
A good entry, I will include a full review asap!
My rating3
Guest ratingCurrent average value is 3.

To vote, please select one of these buttons:

Extra notes on cover, middle (gatefold sleeve) and any inserts


Jet Black (Brian Duffy) (1974-), Jean-Jacques Burnel (1974-), Hugh Cornwell (up to 1990), Hans Warmling (up to 1975), Dave Greenfield (1975-2020), Paul Roberts (1990-2006), John Ellis (1990-2000), Baz Warne (2000-)

Other versions

I have other similar versions, here is the 'primary' release in the database:
UAG 30200No more heroes

Other versions

I have the title track on these releases:
[singles]CM - 103No more heroes
[singles]UP 36300 WNo more heroes
[singles]UP 36300No more heroes
[singles]NMH ----------No more heroes
[12inches]651540 6Golden brown
[cdsingles]651517 2Strange little girl
[albums]UAG 30200No more heroes
[albums]FA 3190No more heroes
[albums]UAG 30200 (R)No more heroes
[albums]062 - 1995601No more heroes
[albums]UAL 24070No more heroes
[albums]SP 4659No more heroes
[albums]ANILBOOTLEGA night in London
[albums]LBG 30353The collection 1977 - 1982
[albums]FA 3230The collection 1977 - 1982
[albums]FA 3230 WLThe collection 1977 - 1982
[albums]1C 064 - 83327The collection 1977 - 1982
[albums]14C 062 - 83327The collection 1977 - 1982
[albums]LBG 30353 (R)The collection 1977 - 1982
[albums]K28P 333Famous numbers: The Stranglers
[albums]062 - 26102116 songs
[albums]460259 1All live and all of the night
[albums]460259 1 PAll live and all of the night
[albums]EMS 1306Rarities
[albums]EM 1314Singles: The U. A. Years
[albums]467541 1Greatest hits 1977 - 1990
[albums]ESSLP 194Saturday night, Sunday morning
[albums]CGLP 5Rattus relived
[albums]0190295187149Peaches - The very best of the Stranglers
[cds]CDM 7938542No more heroes
[cds]TCD 520Punk and disorderly
[cds]MOODCD 18The sound of the suburbs
[cds]CDP 746613 2No more heroes
[cds]253712 2La folie / No more heroes / Rattus norvegicus
[cds]CDP 746066-2The collection 1977 - 1982
[cds]460259 2All live and all of the night
[cds]CDP 791072 2Rarities
[cds]CDP 791796 2Singles: The U. A. Years
[cds]467541 2Greatest hits 1977 - 1990
[cds]467541 9Greatest hits
[cds]CDP 798789 2Live at the Hope and Anchor
[cds]CDADV 101The hit men
[cds]889172 2The UA singles 1977-1979
[cds]STABLE 1Clubbed to death
[cds]541 0792The rarities
[cds]R2CD 42-57Gold
[cds]509826 2Sweet smell of success
[cds]PRMCD 2004Anthology
[cds]2100000 48652610 track collectors album
[cds]IST 57And then they were three
[dvds]CMP 1009Live at Alexandra Palace

Further information

The Stranglers est un groupe de rock anglais né sur la scène punk rock. Les membres actuels sont Jean-Jacques Burnel, Baz Warné, Jim Macaulay et Toby Hounsham. Les anciens membres étaient Noir de jais, Hugh Cornwell, Hans Warmling, Dave Greenfield, John Ellis et Paul Roberts.

Avec quelque 23 singles parmi les 40 meilleurs au Royaume-Uni et 17 albums parmi les 40 meilleurs au Royaume-Uni à ce jour au cours d'une carrière s'étalant sur quatre décennies, les Stranglers sont l'un des groupes les plus anciens et les plus « à succès continu » à avoir été créés. sur la scène punk britannique. Formés sous le nom de Guildford Stranglers le 11 septembre 1974 à Guildford, Surrey, ils se sont à l'origine construit une clientèle au sein de la scène pub rock du milieu des années 1970. Même si leur attitude agressive et sans compromis les a identifiés comme l'un des instigateurs de la scène punk rock britannique qui a suivi, leur approche idiosyncratique a rarement suivi un seul genre musical et le groupe a continué à explorer une variété de styles musicaux, de la new wave, l'art rock et le rock gothique en passant par la sophisti-pop de certaines de leurs productions des années 1980. Ils ont connu un succès grand public majeur avec leur single "Golden Brown" de 1982. Leurs autres succès incluent "No More Heroes", "Peaches", "Always the Sun" et "Skin Deep" et le hit du Top 40 de 2003 "Big Thing Coming", qui a été considéré comme un retour à la forme.


Here are some statistics about this page.
Page views: 1090 times since 20th May, 2017, global rank is 4926, rank in albums 2588.
This page was last updated on 24-07-2024 at 13:29:13 UK local time.

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© 2002-2025 Mike Everitt.

This page was last updated on: 24-07-2024 at 13:29:13 UK local time.