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Various, Sound effects No. 1

Detalles de lanzamiento

TítuloSound effects No. 1
Categoría:BBC - RE* (Haga clic en este botón para ver otras versiones de BBC - RE* Albums.)
Etiqueta y número de catálogo:Picture of images/labels/BBC Sound Effects.jpg labelBBC Sound Effects - RED 47
Formato:Vinyl Albums
País:UK UK flag
Género:Sound effects Ver todas las demás pistas enumeradas como Sound effects.
Códigos de salida:RE + 47 + 1 BBC
RE + 47 + 2 BBC
Artículo eliminado?
Distribuido / impreso por
Vistas de página:1296 veces desde el 20 de mayo de 2017, la clasificación global es 3867, rango en albums is 2145.
Mi clasificación:*****
Calificación de los huéspedes:*****

Información de mis copias

Esta sección muestra la información que he registrado para esta versi&eocute;n.
Estado de la cubiertaBueno
Condición de registroCasi perfecto
Código de etiqueta de registros de la BBCB
número tiene1
Qué tipo de vendedor se utilizóNot recorded
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A continuación se enumeran los duplicados que tengo para esta versión.
Artículo duplicado 1Razón Re-issued sleeve, condición MMFY
Códigos de salida RED 47 A-1 <> MB 1
RED 47 B-2U-1-1
Artículo duplicado 2Razón Older label, condición DDCY
Códigos de salida RE 47 1-3 G
RE + 47 + 2 BBC 1


A continuación se muestra una lista de pistas para este lanzamiento.
Lado y pistaPista y artistaLongitud
A1 Thunder - Rumbling roll0.17
A2- Booming roll0.10
A3- Sharp clap0.10
A4- Long, booming roll0.35
A5Rain (Heavy, in street)0.50
A6Wind (Eerie or sinister)0.50
A7 Seagulls0.40
A8Heavy wash (on shingle)0.44
A9Water lapping (Shore of Loch Broom)0.45
A10 Diving - Springboard & Splash0.10
A11- Diving - 1 splash0.11
A12- Diving - double splash0.08
A13- Threshing water0.25
A14 Birds - Cockerel0.15
A15- Chickens0.24
A16- A summer day0.48
A17Waterfall animals - Dog barking - Bull Mastiff0.20
A18- Dog howling - Goldon Setter0.22
A19- horse moves off, trots, stops0.40
A20 Church - Evercreech; ringing to end of Grandsire caters0.55
A21- St. Nicholas, Hamburg; tolling0.25
A22 Fire station alarm0.14
A23 Merton College, Oxford - Quarter, half & three-quarters1.06
A24- Chiming & striking 121.15
A25Domestic (Westminister Chimes) - Quarter, half & three-quarters0.50
A26- Chiming & striking 120.50
A27Greenwich pips0.05
A28 Crying - 26 weeks old0.30
A29Playing - 36 weeks old0.30
A30 Cocktail party - Animated background chatter0.45
A31Laughter - Hearty, 30 people0.32
A32Applause - Enthusiastic, in theatre0.29
A33Cheering - Single cheer, 100 men0.05
A34- Continuous, large crowd0.30
A35 Motor racing - Start of Le Mans race0.40
A36- Cars passing at Le Mans0.40
A37 Background, with bookmakers0.40
A38- Horses passing at the gallop0.25
A39Stadium crowd - Atmosphere during League Match0.45
A40 Explosions - Close, sharp explosion0.06
A41- More distant, rumbling0.13
A42Fireworks - General display0.43
A43Footsteps on gravel - Man starts off, walks, stops0.36
A44Door creaks0.20
B1 Trident (3 jet engines) - Take-off0.50
B2- (Interior) Constant flight0.46
B3- Passing overhead0.54
B4- Landing & taxi0.50
B5- Airport activity0.36
B6 De Havilland Dove (Twin-propeller engine) - Take-off0.40
B7- (Interior) Constant flight0.46
B8- Passing overhead0.30
B9- Landing0.35
B10- (INTERIOR) Start engines, rev.1.09
B11 Sirens - Liner0.10
B12- Tug (''Going astern'')0.05
B13- Ship answered by tub0.11
B14- Liner (Queen Mary)0.05
B15Cross-channel ferry - Departure preparations1.10
B16- Seawash at stern0.26
B17- Engines running at 18 knots0.44
B18- Vessel berthing0.44
B19 Diesel (English Electric Vulcan 2000 B. H. P.) - Siren, train departs0.30
B20- (INTERIOR) Constant run0.45
B21- Passing at speed0.25
B22- Arrival in station1.06
B23 Steam (British Rail Southern Region) - Whistle, train departs0.30
B24- (INTERIOR) Constant run0.45
B25- Passing with whistle0.40
B26- Arrival in station0.42
B27 Car (Wolsley 1660) - Starts & departs0.30
B28- (INTERIOR) Moves off to constant run0.45
B29- Passes at 60 mph0.21
B30- Arrives, stops, tick-over0.26
B31- Door opens & slams (1 & 2)0.15
B32- Various horns0.19
B33 Police car (with 2-tone horn) - Approaches & stops0.22
B34- Departs0.20
B35Fire engine (with siren) - Approaches & stops0.42
B36 Middle East - Busy side street0.47
B37London - Oxford Circus0.50
B38 Striking 12 o'clock1.25
Longitud total de los medios 46:29.

Todas las fotos de lanzamiento

A continuación se muestran todas las imágenes de la portada (anverso, reverso, medio e inserciones, si corresponde) y etiquetas que tengo para este lanzamiento.
Front cover of RED 47 Front cover of RED 47
Back cover of RED 47 Back cover of RED 47
Label LabelLabel Label Label Label


A continuación se muestra mi reseña de este lanzamiento y las calificaciones.
¡Una buena entrada, incluiré una reseña completa lo antes posible!
Mi clasificación3
Calificación de los huéspedesEl valor medio actual es 3.

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Notas adicionales sobre la portada, la mitad (portada plegable) y cualquier encarte

Compiled and edited by Rosemary Davis, actress, playwright and broadcaster who has written the following notes and hints on the use of this record.

THE BBC SOUND EFFECTS LIBRARY is generally acknowledged to be the most comprehensive of its kind in the world, comprising approximately 6,000 recorded sounds. Now, for the first time, a selection of these high-quality recordings - used in BBC Radio and Television productions - has been published and made available to professional and amateur theatrical companies and film-makers. The selection has been edited to present those effects most frequently required in plays and home-movies.

The record's on the turntable, you've decided which effects to use, it's simply a matter of incorporating them into your play, or on to your sound-track. If your experience and equipment are limited - have courage - it's not difficult, and the results can be sensational.

Sound effects for plays should always be re-recorded on to tape in the order in which they will be required, with a band of coloured leader tape between them so you may see exactly where each one begins. Time the duration for which you will need a continuous background sound - like traffic - and make sure you assess the timings generously. Actors don't always play scenes at the same speed, and a line intended to mark a dramatic moment, such as: ''Will this rain never stop!'' falls damply on an audience who heard it stop just ten seconds before. Build up the required length of time on the tape by re-recording the same sound several times, being careful to eliminate any fading or silent pauses between each repetition.

I've also found it more convenient to transfer film sound effects on to tape first, in order to run film and tape together. Depending on the equipment, there could be a slight reduction in sound quality, and you may prefer to record directly on to the film. (But do practise first on the blank strip of film at the beginning and end of the reel. Film stripe works as recording tape but wears faster, especially if subjected to heavy noises.)

To record the effect you want from the disc at the exact instant it begins, link up record player and tape-recorder / film projector, and play, without recording, the effect immediately preceding. When it ends, count to yourself the seconds that elapse before the next track begins. Now repeat the process, switching on the recorder / projector one second before the pause preceding your required effect ends. (Some film projector recording heads delay a frame or two before picking up the sound, and you may have to take this into account.)

Use the recorder / projector modulator to bring up or fade out an effect - for example, the footsteps of a man departing or approaching. With most projectors it is also possible to superimpose a second effect on a background noise, through the microphone.

An extension loudspeaker is desirable if best results are to be obtained. It should be situated in the location from which the reproduced sound would normally be heard: i. e. for street noises in a play, immediately outside the door or window of the set; for a film sound-track, close to the screen.

The moment hen you run the film and actually hear the waves you can see thundering on to the beach is quite intoxicating. The maddening thing is, most of your audience will take it for granted. It's what they expect of waves.

Good luck!

Copyright note: he copying of the Sound Effects in this record onto tape for use in conjunction with a play or dubbing onto film is permitted.

Otras versiones

Tengo la canción principal de estos lanzamientos:
ZCM 47Sound effects No. 1
51.0105Efectos de sonido No 1

Más información

BBC Radio Enterprises Ltd and BBC Enterprises Ltd, predecessors of BBC Worldwide / BBC Worldwide Ltd., the BBC's commercial arm. Formed 1968 and 1979 respectively, they were a subsidiary wholly owned by the BBC and merged into BBC Worldwide in 1995. In that time, there were companies set up within or structured brands as part of the company to deal with separate parts of the business, e.g. BBC Records for recorded audio. Sometimes written as BBC Enterprise Ltd.

The items shown here are from the "main" BBC Records and Tapes library covering a wide secletion of genres from themes, comedy dramas and others, depending on which format you have selected.


Aquí hay algunas estadísticas sobre esta página.
Vistas de página: 1296 veces desde el 20 de mayo de 2017, la clasificación global es 3867, rango en albums 2145.
Esta página fue actualizada por última vez el 31-12-2024 at 12:10:03 Hora local del Reino Unido.

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© 2002-2025 Mike Everitt.

Esta página fue actualizada por última vez el: 31-12-2024 at 12:10:03 Hora local del Reino Unido.