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Various, The prisoner - Episodes 1 - 4

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TitoloThe prisoner - Episodes 1 - 4
Categoria:The Prisoner (Fare clic su questo pulsante per visualizzare altre versioni di The Prisoner DVD's.)
Etichetta e numero di catalogo:Picture of images/labels/Carlton.jpg labelCarlton - 37115 00943
Formato:Disc DVD's
Paese:UK UK flag
Genere:Dramas - Sci-fi Visualizza tutte le altre tracce elencate come Dramas - Sci-fi.
Codici di fuga:DVD01320 3711500843/L1 03 PSIJ 1991 VNN4VZ
Elemento eliminato?
Distribuito/stampato daPicture of images/labels/Carlton.jpg labelCarlton
Visualizzazioni di pagina:1550 volte dal 20 maggio 2017, la classifica globale è 3167, classificarsi dvds is 192.
La mia valutazione:*****
Valutazione degli ospiti:*****

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Condizioni della copertinaQuasi pari al nuovo
Condizione di registrazioneQuasi pari al nuovo
Il numero ha1
Che tipo di venditore è stato utilizzatoOther online shop
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Di seguito è riportato un elenco delle tracce per questa versione
Lato e binarioTraccia e artistaLunghezza
A1Arrival [George Markstein / David Tomblin]49.11
A2The chimes of Big Ben [Vincent Tilsley]48.32
A3A. B. and C. [Anthony Skene]48.39
A4Free for all [Paddy Fitz]48.39
A6Number 2 sections - Guy Doleman
A7Number 2 sections - George Baker
A8Number 2 sections - Leo McKern
A9Number 2 sections - Colin Gordon
A10Number 2 sections - Eric Portman
A11The Prisoner facts 1
A12The Prisoner facts 2
A13The Prisoner facts 3
A14Trailers - Arrival0.58
A15Trailers - The chimes of Big Ben0.57
A16Trailers - A. B. and C.0.58
A17Trailers - Free for all0.58
A18Trailers - ITC trailer (Cool spies and private eyes collection)2.44
Lunghezza totale del supporto 3:21:36.

Tutte le foto rilasciate

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Copertura frontale
Front cover of 37115 00943
Copertina posteriore
Back cover of 37115 00943
Middle of cover
Middle of cover of 37115 00943 Middle of cover of 37115 00943


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La mia valutazione3
Valutazione degli ospitiIl valore medio attuale è 3.

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Patrick McGoohan - Number Six

Number Two
Guy Doleman (Episode 1)
George Baker (Episode 1)
Leo McKern (Episode 2)
Colin Gordon (Episode 3)
Eric Portman (Episode 4)
Rachel Herbert (Episode 4)

Other actors
Alf Joint - 2nd Mechanic (Episode 4)
Angelo Muscat - The Butler (Episodes 1, 2, 3, 4)
Bettina Le Beau (credited as "Bettine Le Beau") - Maid at party (Episode 3)
Barbara Yu Ling - Taxi driver (Episode 1)
Bill Cummings - Henchman (Episode 3)
Christopher Benjamin - Labour Exchange manager (Episode 1)
Christopher Benjamin - Number Two's assistant (Episode 2)
David Arlen - Karel (Episode 2)
David Garfield - Hospital attendant (Episode 1)
Dene Cooper - Photographer (Episode 4)
Denis Shaw - Shopkeeper (Episode 1)
Eric Portman - Incumbent Number 2
Fabia Drake - Welfare worker (Episode 1)
Fenella Fielding - Announcer/Operator - voice only (Episodes 1, 2, 4)
Finlay Currie - General (Episode 2)
Frederick Piper - Ex-Admiral (Episode 1)
George Benson - Labour Exchange manager (Episode 4)
Georgina Cookson - Blonde Lady (Episode 3)
Harold Berens - Reporter (Episode 4)
Hilda Barry - Number 38 (Episode 2)
Holly Doone - Waitress (Episode 4)
Jack Le White - First Judge (Episode 2)
John Cazabon - Man in cave (Episode 4)
John Maxim - Second Judge (Episode 2)
Keith Peacock - 2nd Guardian (Episode 1)
Kenneth Benda - Supervisor (Episode 4)
Kevin Stoney - Colonel J (Episode 2)
Lucille Soong - Flower girl (Episode 3)
Lucy Griffiths - Third Judge (Episode 2)
Oliver MacGreevy - Gardener/electrician (Episode 1)
Patsy Smart - Waitress (Episode 1)
Peter Brace - 1st Guardian (Episode 1)
Peter Brace - 1st Mechanic (Episode 4)
Peter Brayham - Thug (Episode 3)
Peter Swanwick - Supervisor (Episodes 1, 2)
Richard Wattis - Fotheringay (Episode 2)
Stephanie Randall - Maid (Episode 1)
Terry Yorke - Thug (Episode 3)

Written by

George Markstein (Episode 1)
David Tomblin (Episode 1)
Vincent Tilsley (Episode 2)
Anthony Skene (Episode 3)
Paddy Fitz (Episode 4)

Music by

Ron Grainer
Albert Emms

Produced by

David Tomblin
Patrick McGoohan

Directed by

Don Chaffey (Episodes 1, 2)
Pat Jackson (Episode 3)
Patrick McGoohan (Episode 4)


Episode 1 - Arrival
After handing in his resignation, the Prisoner heads off to his London home to pack for a holiday. He begins to feel faint and ends up unconscious. He awakes not in his house but in a strange village. He starts to explore but soon realises the in "The Village" all things such as phone calls, maps and taxis are "local only". He is shown around the Village by Number Two who explains that the information in his head is priceless and that he wants to know why he resigned. Welcome to your new home, Number Six.

Episode 2 - The chimes of Big Ben
Number Six has a new next door neighbour, Nadia. She befriends Number Six and tells him that the Village is situated on the Baltic. To cover their plans to escape Number Six enters the Village arts and crafts exhibition competition. His entry entitles "Escape" is the inspiration for their plan to get back to London.

Episode 3 - A. B. and C.
The new Number Two uses a new wonder drug to tap into Number Six's subconscious to try to discover why he resigned. Over a period of three nights he encounters A, B and C in separate circumstances. Unknown to Number Two, Number Six has realised what has happened and gets his dreams to prove that he was not selling out.

Episode 4 - Free for all
It's election time in the Village. A new Number Two needs to be elected and Number Six is persuaded to stand. While attending a meeting of the outgoing council meeting, Number Six angers Number Two who decides that Number Six must undergo "The Test". Number Six sets out on his election campaign with many promises to his voters but his aim is to discover who Number One is.

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[dvds]37115 01033The prisoner

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Ulteriori informazioni

The Prisoner è una serie televisiva allegorica di fantascienza britannica del 1967 su un agente dell'intelligence britannico non identificato che viene rapito e imprigionato in un misterioso villaggio costiero, dove i suoi rapitori cercano di scoprire perché si è dimesso improvvisamente dal suo lavoro. È stato creato da Patrick McGoohan e George Markstein con McGoohan nel ruolo principale di Numero Sei. Gli episodi coprivano varie trame della narrativa di spionaggio con elementi di fantascienza, allegoria e dramma psicologico. È stato prodotto da Everyman Films per la distribuzione da parte della società ITC Entertainment di Lew Grade.


Ecco alcune statistiche su questa pagina.
Visualizzazioni di pagina: 1550 volte dal 20 maggio 2017, la classifica globale è 3167, classificarsi dvds 192.
Questa pagina è stata aggiornata l'ultima volta il 31-07-2024 at 17:20:35 Ora locale del Regno Unito.

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Questa pagina è stata aggiornata l'ultima volta il: 31-07-2024 at 17:20:35 Ora locale del Regno Unito.