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Andrew Cruickshank, God rest you merry gentlemen Cassettes

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TitoloGod rest you merry gentlemen
Artista(i):Andrew Cruickshank
Categoria:BBC - ZC* (Fare clic su questo pulsante per visualizzare altre versioni di BBC - ZC* Cassettes.)
Etichetta e numero di catalogo:Picture of images/labels/BBC.jpg labelBBC - MRMC 051
Formato:Tape Cassettes
Paese:UK UK flag
Genere:Music - Religious Visualizza tutte le altre tracce elencate come Music - Religious.
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The story of Christmas in words and music compiled by The Rev. W. D. Kennedy-Bell with Andrew Cruichshank and The Saint Martin Singers.
Conductor: W. D. Kennedy-Bell.

'God rest you merry', a daily programme of readings and music for Christmas week, was first broadcast in the BBC Home Service in 1961 and has been repeated in various forms over the years since then. On each occasion many requests have been received for information both about the music, which has always been sung by the Saint Martin Singers, and also about the readings which in 1969 were spoken for the first time by Andrew Cruickshank. Now, with this record, listeners can hear again the series of programmes as a whole, including some of their favourite poems and carols.

The Saint Martin Singers date back to 1942, and owe their origin to a small band of fire-watchers at trhe church of St. Martin-in-the-Fields who in that year began to while away the tedious hours of inactivity by singing together. Almost weekely since then their successors have continued to meet in St. Martin's to sing unaccompanied music of all kinds, dating from mediaeval times to the present day. They call themselves the Saint Martin Singers almost as a battle honour, since they are not otherwise connected with St. Martin's.

Among the things which the Singers enjoy most, and have pioneered, are their programmes of music interwoven with poetry and prose to illustrate a theme, of which those you can hear on this record are examples in miniature. Christmas is always the most popular theme of all because the story of the Nativity has inspired the best in writers and musicians ever since St. Luke wrote the first narrative poem.

Andrew Cruickshank, the actor, needs little or no introduction. He made his first appearance on the London stage in 1930, since when he ahs acted at the Old Vic, the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre, and in America, and has reached a very wide audience with his television appearancs, notably as Dr. Cameron in 'Dr. Finlay's Casebook'. He is a keen student of theology and has become well known for his readings of religious prose and poetry.

The Rev. W. D. Kennedy-Bell was on the staff of St. Martin-in-the-Fields when he first became conductor of The Saint Martin Singers in 1947. A year later, he joined the Religious Broadcasting Department at the BBC as Overseas Religious Broadcasting Organiser, a post which he held until his retirement from the BBC in 1975. He has been responsible for many radio and other programmes which combine music with the spoken word. he is also Reader at The Temple Church in London.

Altre versioni

Ho altre versioni simili, ecco la versione 'primaria' nel database:
REC 256God rest you merry gentlemen

Altre versioni

Ho la traccia del titolo in queste pubblicazioni:
[albums]REC 429Christmas carols from Canterbury Cathedral

Ulteriori informazioni

BBC Radio Enterprises Ltd e BBC Enterprises Ltd, predecessori di BBC Worldwide / BBC Worldwide Ltd., il braccio commerciale della BBC. Costituite rispettivamente nel 1968 e nel 1979, erano una filiale interamente posseduta dalla BBC e si fusero con BBC Worldwide nel 1995. A quel tempo, c'erano società create all'interno o marchi strutturati come parte dell'azienda per gestire parti separate del business, per esempio. BBC Records per l'audio registrato. A volte scritto come BBC Enterprise Ltd.

Gli elementi mostrati qui provengono dalla libreria "principale" di dischi e nastri della BBC che copre un'ampia selezione di generi da temi, commedie drammatiche e altri, a seconda del formato selezionato.


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