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Not registered, Atmosphere

Release details

Artist(s):Not registered
Category:BBC - Sound effects-NH (Click on this button to view other releases of BBC - Sound effects-NH 7'' singles.)
Label and catalogue number:Picture of images/labels/BBC Sound Effects_old4.jpg labelBBC Sound Effects_old4 - NH 51Z
Format:Vinyl 7'' singles
Country:UK UK flag
Genre:Sound effects - Other animals View all other tracks listed as Sound effects - Other animals.
Run-off codes:
Item deleted?Yes
Distributed / printed byPicture of images/labels/BBC.jpg labelBBC
Page views:12385 times since 20th May, 2017, global rank is 30, rank in singles is 21.
My rating:*****
Guest rating:*****

My copies information

This section shows the information I have recorded for this release.
Record statusNot currently in my collection.

If you have a copy for sale, please use the following contact me button.
Number have0
What type of seller was usedNot recorded
Where can I buy this release?You may be able to purchase this release from the following websites (others are available!)

All release pictures

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Picture to be added for NH 51Z


Below is my review for this release and the ratings.
A good entry, I will include a full review asap!
My rating3
Guest ratingCurrent average value is 3.

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Other versions

I have the title track on these releases:
[singles]EC 6AFox Hunting: Whaddon Chase Hunt
[singles]EC 6BFox Hunting: Quorn Hunt
[singles]EC 6DFox Hunting: Quorn hunt
[singles]EC 8FOffices / Office printing unit
[singles]EC 8GComputer room equipment
[singles]EC 13ABetting shop
[singles]EC 13BGaming club
[singles]EC 14MLifeboat (Recorded on board)
[singles]EC 15FChatter
[singles]EC 16RBridge building: London Bridge
[singles]EC 17JSmall country town
[singles]EC 17TSmall town atmosphere / Village & playground atmospheres
[singles]EC 17UStreet atmosphere / Traffic at night
[singles]EC 17YRoad tunnel traffic
[singles]EC 17ZRoad tunnel traffic
[singles]EC 20DCoastal garden in winter
[singles]EC 22GFountains
[singles]EC 23AShops
[singles]EC 23BSupermarket
[singles]EC 23DDraper's shop / Butcher's shop
[singles]EC 23EConfectioner's shop & Newsagent / Confectioner's shop
[singles]EC 23FShops
[singles]EC 23HLaunderette
[singles]EC 30JSteam trains
[singles]EC 31AChickens
[singles]EC 33DProfessional league football
[singles]EC 33FCountry rugby football match
[singles]EC 33GF. A. Cup Final: Wembley, 1966
[singles]EC 34DBritish Rail: Southern region multiple unit diesel train (Exterior)
[singles]EC 35BDiesel bus (On country route)
[singles]EC 35CDiesel bus (Interior) / Bus depot
[singles]EC 37ACourtroom / museum atmosphere
[singles]EC 37ELincoln Cathedral / Coventry Cathedral
[singles]EC 38AFairgrounds
[singles]EC 38BFairgrounds
[singles]EC 40HCrowd of 6000 at protest meeting
[singles]EC 42BLondon airport (Heathrow) 1968
[singles]EC 42CLondon airport (Heathrow) -1968
[singles]EC 42DHeathrow airport - Terminal building 1968
[singles]EC 50ASt. James Park, London
[singles]EC 51GMiddle East crowds
[singles]EC 53BHorse (Flat) racing - Newbury
[singles]EC 53GHorse racing (chases) - Cheltenham
[singles]EC 53HHorse (Flat) racing
[singles]EC 55EHospitals
[singles]EC 55FDental surgery
[singles]EC 57HMotor car works
[singles]EC 57MEngineering
[singles]EC 57NMetal lathes
[singles]EC 57QDrop forge effects
[singles]EC 57UMachinery / Machine shop
[singles]EC 58CIndustry sewing machine / Factory atmosphere
[singles]EC 60DGermany
[singles]EC 61PPool of London
[singles]EC 63FDance Hall atmosphere
[singles]EC 64AOutdoor swimming pool
[singles]EC 64DIndoor swimming bath
[singles]EC 64HChildren's swimming pool
[singles]EC 68BGirls' grammar school
[singles]EC 68GGirls' grammar school - Gymnasium
[singles]EC 69BKitchens
[singles]EC 70ACruft's dog show
[singles]EC 70BEarls Court exhibition / Exhibition crowd
[singles]EC 71DAircraft
[singles]EC 73ACocktail party
[singles]EC 74AConcert hall
[singles]EC 74BConcert hall - Royal Festival Hall
[singles]EC 74CConcert hall - Royal Albert Hall
[singles]EC 74ETheatre chatter - BBC Paris Cinema
[singles]EC 77AIndoor ice rink
[singles]EC 77FWinter sports (Verbier, Switzerland)
[singles]EC 79CStock car racing
[singles]EC 79FMotor racing: Formula 1 - 1.3 litre (Silverstone)
[singles]EC 79GMotor racing (Silverstone)
[singles]EC 79HMotor Racing: Brands Hatch
[singles]EC 80CLondon Underground
[singles]EC 80DLondon Underground
[singles]EC 80ELondon Underground
[singles]EC 80GLondon Underground - Victoria Line
[singles]EC 80HLondon Underground - Victoria Line
[singles]EC 82CPeriod battle (11th century)
[singles]EC 86KSamoyed dogs
[singles]EC 91DChurch bells
[singles]EC 95FFrench traffic
[singles]EC 95GFrench trains
[singles]EC 95LFrench steam trains
[singles]EC 95MFrench steam trains / Paris Metro
[singles]EC 96BBoxing
[singles]EC 96CProfessional boxing - Royal Albert Hall, London
[singles]EC 96DProfessional boxing - Royal Albert Hall, London
[singles]EC 96HIndoor wrestling
[singles]EC 97CItaly (Caracalla): Indoor Crowds
[singles]EC 97FRome
[singles]EC 97HRome traffic / Termini railway station
[singles]EC 97JRome railway stations
[singles]EC 97KItalian trains
[singles]EC 98ADutch crowds
[singles]EC 98BHolland
[singles]EC 102BGranite Quarry
[singles]EC 105HSt.Paul's Cathedral clock (Great Tom)
[singles]EC 113BCovent Garden Market / Aylesbury Market
[singles]EC 113CMaidstone Market / Pontypridd Market
[singles]EC 113DCountry market - Winslow, Bucks
[singles]EC 113FBirmingham shopping centre and market
[singles]EC 117J19th century workshop & machinery / 19th century machinery
[singles]EC 120ANational daily newpaper
[singles]EC 120BNational daily newspaper
[singles]EC 120DNational daily newspaper
[singles]EC 121CPaddle steamer (2400 H. P.)
[singles]EC 126AMotor cycle racing - Isle of Man Tourist Trophy races, 1967
[singles]EC 126BMotor cycle racing - Isle of Man Tourist Trophy races, 1967
[singles]EC 127AStarfighter - Single-engined jet fighter
[singles]EC 132ACountry cricket match - Kent, 1967
[singles]EC 133BHorses & carts on cobbles / Horses
[singles]EC 136C3 people in hall / 700 people in large hall
[singles]EC 136FChatter in factory (London)
[singles]EC 138ASailing vessel (18ft cabin 5 lock)
[singles]EC 143CBabies (Girls)
[singles]EC 144ASouthern Region electric trains
[singles]EC 144BSouthern Region electric trains
[singles]EC 152BCarpenter's workshop
[singles]EC 160MOil exploration
[singles]EC 160NDrilling for oil
[singles]EC 160QNorth Sea gas rig
[singles]EC 165BCoal mining
[singles]EC 175AWarehouses
[singles]EC 178BTen-pin bowling
[singles]EC 182FLondon railway stations
[singles]EC 189BEiffel Tower lifts / Lifts
[singles]EC 191AFarnborough air show
[singles]EC 192DSpace travel & interplanetary effects
[singles]EC 194CShoe repairing
[singles]EC 195GGasworks: Governor House
[singles]EC 195RPapermaking
[singles]EC 197AJunior children's sports day
[singles]EC 197CAthletics
[singles]EC 198ANarrow-gauge light railway (Exterior)
[singles]EC 203BAtomic power station
[singles]EC 203CAtomic power station
[singles]EC 203HPower station (Conventional type)
[singles]EC 205DNew York backgrounds
[singles]EC 212BCambridge clocks / Cambridge
[singles]EC 1006FCrowds / Foreign atmospheres
[singles]EC 1006HCrowds ballroom atmosphere / Foreign atmospheres
[singles]EC 1006JCrowds: Interior
[singles]EC 1006KCrowds: Interior
[singles]ECS 1C10Royal Festival Hall
[singles]ECS 1C11Royal Festival Hall
[singles]ECS 1C14Holland
[singles]ECS 1C23Atmospheres
[singles]ECS 1M2Covent Garden market
[singles]ECS 1N2London Riverside atmosphere - Chelsea / Building site atmosphere
[singles]ECS 1R8Restaurant / Tea room
[singles]ECS 1R10Snack bar / Cafe
[singles]ECS 1T5Car park atmosphere
[singles]ECS 1T12French traffic
[singles]ECS 2A1Army drill with orders / Light machine gun
[singles]ECS 2S1Association football-League match
[singles]ECS 2T13Victoria Station, London / Station atmospheres
[singles]ECS 3S1Cross-channel ferry boat 'Dover'
[singles]ECS 3S2Cross-channel ferry boat 'Dover'
[singles]ECS 3S3Cross-channel ferry boat 'Dover'
[singles]ECS 3S5Cross-channel ferry boat 'Dover'
[singles]ECS 3S6Cross-channel ferry boat 'Dover'
[singles]ECS 5F3Fairgrounds
[singles]ECS 5F4Fairgrounds
[singles]ECS 5M4Motorcycle scrambling
[singles]ECS 5S1Oil rigs - Offshore oil rig 'Sea quest'
[singles]ECS 6F1Botswana, Africa / Cicadas in Springtime
[singles]ECS 6F2Swaziland, Africa
[singles]ECS 6F4France: Tour De France 1983
[singles]ECS 6F5France: Tour De France 1983
[singles]ECS 6F6Belgiun
[singles]ECS 6F7Germany
[singles]ECS 6M1Factory machines: Blanket manufacture
[singles]ECS 6M2Trouser manufacture
[singles]ECS 6M4Motor industry
[singles]MP 25120Animlas
[singles]MP 25188Birds
[singles]MP 25239Animals
[singles]MP 25464Birds
[singles]NH 8ATemperature mixed forest atmosphere
[singles]NH 9ATemperature mixed forest atmosphere
[singles]NH 10AForest atmosphere
[singles]NH 15AGrassland atmosphere / Tropical savanna atmosphere
[singles]NH 24ATropical desert atmosphere / Fens swamps atmosphere
[singles]NH 26AFens and swamps atmosphere / River atmosphere
[singles]NH 55ZBirds / Sea lions
[singles]NH 64ZAtmosphere - Tropical desert shrub, summer evening
[singles]NH 82ZS. W. Australia & Gloucestershire animals
[singles]NH 111ZHampshire animals
[10inches]SILLP 1371Doctor Who - The Krotons
[78]5 A 132Building instustry
[78]24 A 3Atmosphere in large building / Provincial town
[78]24 A 33Countryside in summer / Atmosphere in Lincoln Cathedral
[78]13 B 157Bus depot
[78]23 B 40Fountains: Italy
[78]3 C 257Airport control room
[78]3 C 350Village pub / Cocktail party
[albums]RED 47Sound effects No. 1
[albums]RED 76Sound effects no. 2
[albums]RED 102Sound effects no. 3
[albums]RED 104Sound effects no. 4
[albums]RED 105Sound effects no. 5
[albums]RED 106Sound effects no. 6
[albums]RED 113Sound effects no. 7
[albums]RED 164Sound effects no. 9
[albums]REC 197British wild birds in stereo
[albums]REC 225Out of this World
[albums]REC 227Vanishing sounds of Britain
[albums]REC 269Death and horror
[albums]REC 295Disasters
[albums]REC 301Holiday sound effects
[albums]REC 316Doctor Who sound effects
[albums]REC 383Combat sound effects
[albums]REC 420Science fiction sound effects
[albums]REFX 448Essential sound effects
[albums]RBT 1Fun at the zoo- Sound effects
[albums]TRC - 918Doctor Who sound effects
[albums]TRC - 911Death and horror sound effects
[albums]BBC2LP-22001Doctor Who - Collectors edition
[albums]BBC - 22002Doctor Who the music
[albums]BBC - 22269Death & horror sound effects
[albums]BBC - 22316Doctor Who sound effects
[albums]LPBBC25250Out of this world - BBC sound effects
[albums]DEMREC 176Death & horror sound effects
[albums]LP BBC 24819Doctor Who sound effects
[albums]SILLP 1536Doctor Who - The Daleks
[albums]DEMREC 202Doctor Who and the Pescatons and Sound Effects
[albums]SILLP 1553Doctor Who - The five Doctors
[cassettes]ZCF 792Essential sound effects
[cds]BBCCD792Essential sound effects
[cds]BBCCD823Essential death and horror - Volume 2
[cds]BBCCD839Essential combat & disasters sound effects
[cds]BBCCD846Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
[cds]BBCCD847Essential science-fiction sound effects - Volume 1
[cds]BBCCD853Essential home video sound effects
[cds]BBCCD855Essential science-fiction sound effects - Volume 2
[cds]BBCCD860Essential sounds of the city
[cds]BBCCD861Essential sounds of the countryside
[cds]BBCCD862Essential crowd sound effects
[cds]BBCCD863Essential people sound effects
[cds]BBCCD864Essential sound effects of babies and children
[cds]BBCCD866Essential transport sound effects - Volume 2
[cds]BBCCD867Essential sound effects of England
[cds]BBCCD868Essential weather sound effects
[cds]BBCCD869Essential animal sound effects
[cds]BBCCD870Essential foreign sound effects
[cds]BBCCD SFX014Cities
[cds]BBCCD SFX018Bang !
[cds]BBCCD SFX023Ships and boats (2)
[cds]BBCCD SFX031Equestrian events
[cds]BBCCD SFX032Greece
[cds]BBCCD SFX033Adventure sports
[cds]BBCCD SFX034Livestock (1)
[cds]BBCCD SFX035Livestock (2)
[cds]BBCCD SFX038Horses (2) and dogs
[cds]BBCCD SFX039Schools and crowds
[cds]BBCCD SFX040Spain
[cds]BBCCD SFX041Trains
[cds]BBCCD SFX043D. I. Y. and building
[cds]BBCCD SFX046Istanbul
[cds]BBCCD SFX048Crowds
[cds]BBCCD SFX049Suburbia
[cds]BBCCD SFX050Paris
[cds]BBCCD SFX051London
[cds]BBCCD SFX052Exterior atmospheres II: British rural backgrounds
[cds]BBCCD SFX054Rural Pakistan
[cds]BBCCD SFX058Rural South America
[cds]ECD 61Poland
[cds]ECD 63Religion in Britain
[cds]ECD 72External stmospheres III: British rural backgrounds
[cds]ECD 74Suburbia II and skylines
[cds]ECD 75Traffic
[cds]ECD 76Water II
[cds]ECD 79Exterior crowds I
[cds]ECD 80Exterior crowds II
[cds]ECD 81Exterior effects
[cds]ECD 82Fairgrounds and the circus
[cds]ECD 83Interiors - Restaurants
[cds]ECD 84Interiors - Pubs and clubs
[cds]ECD 86Interiors - Concert halls
[cds]ECD 89Interiors - Various II
[cds]ECD 90Ecclesiastical effects I
[cds]ECD 91Ecclesiastical effects II
[cds]ECD 92Babies and infants
[cds]ECD 94Children - Middle and secondary schools
[cds]ECD 95Comedy II
[cds]ECD 102South America: Rural and urban atmospheres
[cds]ECD 107Cars and buses
[cds]DRWRW 2Doctor Who - At the radiophonic workshop - Volume 2
[cds]DRWRW 1Doctor Who - At the radiophonic workshop - Volume 1
[cds]WMSF 6052-2Doctor Who - At the radiophonic workshop - Volume 3 - The Leisure Hive
[cds]VB-DWSEDoctor Who sound effects
[cds]ISBN 978-1-4084-7055-8Doctor Who sound effects
[cds]SILCD 1371Doctor Who - The Krotons
[cds]WHO 50Doctor Who - The 50th anniversary collection 1963-2013
[cds]SILCD 1536Doctor Who - The Daleks
[cds]SILCD 1553Doctor Who - The five Doctors
[cds]PRMDCD 36Trainspotting #2

Further information

Never issued to the public, these records were used by the BBC across the land to add sound effects to their TV and Radio programmes. Some NH records were recorded in mono, while others were recorded in stereo. All the NH records only contained wildlife sound effects.


Here are some statistics about this page.
Page views: 12385 times since 20th May, 2017, global rank is 30, rank in singles 21.
This page was last updated on unknown

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© 2002-2025 Mike Everitt.

This page was last updated on: unknown