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búsqueda de género - Sound effects - Other animals

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Número de catalogo, Lado y pista
The mad gorilla
Hi - Fi weeklys demo disc - Sound effects
At the meet; general atmosphere
Fox Hunting: Whaddon Chase Hunt
Hunt moves off
Fox Hunting: Whaddon Chase Hunt
Beating for fox
Fox Hunting: Whaddon Chase Hunt
Fox located
Fox Hunting: Whaddon Chase Hunt
Horse canters past; hunting horn; many canter past
Fox Hunting: Quorn Hunt
Hunt canters past
Fox Hunting: Quorn Hunt
The meet; general atmosphere
Fox Hunting: Quorn Hunt
Horses canter through undergrowth
Fox Hunting: Quorn Hunt
Horses jumping hedge singly
Fox Hunting: Quorn Hunt
Hunt canters past on road
Fox Hunting: Quorn Hunt
Hunt canters past; hunting horn
Fox Hunting: Quorn Hunt
Hunt canters past; hounds & hunting horn
Fox hunting: Quorn Hunt
Hunt canters past; hounds in full cry
Fox hunting: Quorn Hunt
Horses canter past singly on muddy track
Fox hunting: Quorn Hunt
Hunt gallops past
Fox hunting: Quorn Hunt
Huntsman cries 3 times
Fox hunting: Quorn Hunt
Hounds into cover; hunting horn & cries
Fox hunting: Quorn Hunt
In cover; hunting horn; shouts & whistles; whips
Fox hunting: Quorn Hunt
In cover; hounds yelping & moving about
Fox hunting: Quorn Hunt
Drawing the cover
Fox Hunting: Quorn hunt
For'ard away
Fox Hunting: Quorn hunt
Calling hounds out of cover
Fox Hunting: Quorn hunt
Going home
Fox Hunting: Quorn hunt
The kill
Fox Hunting: Quorn hunt
Calling hound when on the move
Fox Hunting: Quorn hunt
Whipping in; whips & atmosphere
Fox Hunting: Quorn hunt
Whipping in; hunting horn & atmosphere
Fox Hunting: Quorn hunt
Horse driven into box
Fox Hunting: Quorn hunt
The kill - shouts; hunting horn & chatter
Fox Hunting: Quorn Hunt
Hounds at freedom - yelping and howling
Fox Hunting: Quorn Hunt
Chatter at hunt ball
Fox Hunting: Quorn Hunt
Birds taking off
Comedy sounds
Cod indoor fight
Comedy sounds
Jaws harp sequence
Comedy sounds
Father owl
Comedy sounds
Mother owl
Comedy sounds
Woodpecker practising
Comedy sounds
Irish nightingale
Comedy sounds
Smoked herring gull
Comedy sounds
More-or-less normal chicken
Comedy sounds
Indisposed chicken
Comedy sounds
Mating cry; young dunko
Comedy sounds
Brittle-backed duck
Comedy sounds
Half a dozen werewolves
Comedy sounds
Wild boars having tea
Comedy sounds
Donkey donkeying
Comedy sounds
Trio of horse neighs
Comedy sounds
Bluebottle circling at 7ft
Comedy sounds
Assorted sheep
Comedy sounds
Goose gobbling
Comedy sounds
Countryside / Winter in a suburban garden
Winter in a suburban garden
Countryside / Winter in a suburban garden
Dawn in a suburban garden; North London, May
Seagulls circling over cliff / Dawn in a suburban garden
COASTAL GARDEN IN WINTER: Atmosphere with starlings, blackbirds & sparrows; distant traffic
Coastal garden in winter
Night (no gulls; force 5 wind)
Harbour wall atmosphere
Coes & calves grazing (Other animals and birdsong in background)
Cows & heifers grazing & feeding
Cows in shed; occasional distant calls
Cows & calves in shed
Bull moaning in stall
Bull bellowing
3 pigs grunting & feeding
Animals - Pigs
Sow with 6-week old piglets
Animals - Pigs
Sow grunting & feeding
Animals - Pigs
2 pigs grunting & snuffling
Animals - Pigs
6-week old piglets
Animals - Piglets
Piglet squealing
Animals - Piglets
Sow with piglets
Animals - Piglets
3-month old piglets
Animals - Piglets
5-month old piglets
Animals - Piglets
Many sheep bleating
Sheap bleating (bumping as animals feed from troughs)
Single 1-day old
Single 1-day old
Single 2-day old
Single 7-day old
Several with sheep
Lambs & sheep bleating & moving in snow
12-stall milking machine starts & runs
Dairy farming
Electric line pump for mechanical milker starts & runs
Dairy farming
Preparing cows for milking
Dairy farming
Cleaning milking equipment
Dairy farming
Mechanical milking (badly fitting teats)
Dairy farming
Milk churn refrigerator
Bottle-washing machine
Bottle-filling machine
Farm atmosphere (with animals)
Horses walking in pairs over wooden bridge
Horses walking in pairs over wooden bridge
6 horses crossing stream
Auctioning beef cattle; general atmosphere
Country market - Winslow, Bucks
Auctioning pigs; general atmosphere
Country market - Winslow, Bucks
Fish, meat & poultry
Bullring market, Birmingham
Billingsgate Fish Market: Outside market
Billingsgate Fish Market / Peterhead Fish Market
Peterhead Fish Market: Auctioning fish at harbour
Billingsgate Fish Market / Peterhead Fish Market
Auctioning pigs; general chatter
West Country market - Newton Abbot, Devon, 1967
Auctioning calves
West Country market - Newton Abbot, Devon, 1967
Auctioning cattle
West Country market - Newton Abbot, Devon, 1967
8 donkeys approach & pass
8 approach & pass
8 continuous walking
8 (unshod) walking on dirt road
Tropical forest: West Africa
Tropical forest: West Africa
Village pond with frogs; birds; passing traffic
Rural England
Village pond with frogs; very distant traffic
Rural England
Devon hedgerow: Dawn
Devon hedgerow
Devon hedgerow: Early morning
Devon hedgerow
Early morning
Farm garden
London Riverside atmosphere: Chelsea
London Riverside atmosphere - Chelsea / Building site atmosphere
Cows in cowshed - movement, voices, cows mooing, dog barking, birds
Farm animals
Pigs in sty
Farm animals
Geese - gobbling and splashing in water (some children's voices)
Farm animals
BOTSWANA, AFRICA: Light semi-desert atmosphere in spring
Botswana, Africa / Cicadas in Springtime
Botswana, Africa / Cicadas in Springtime
Middle Veld atmosphere in spring (light scrub, trees)
Swaziland, Africa
Semi-desert atmosphere in spring (light scrub)
Swaziland, Africa
Mongoose (Herpestes nyula) Call
Wolf (Canis lupus) Howls
Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) Grunts and Scream
Alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) Hiss
Snake hiss
Rattle-snake (Cretalus durissus) Two rattling
West Indian tree-frog chorus
American frogs and crickets
Mixed woodland atmosphere - Early morning in winter. Dawn chorus (including Jackjaw, Blue and Great Tit, Robin, Greenfinch, Chaffinch, Pheasant, Carrion Crow)
Mixed woodland atmosphere - Mid-day in winter (with Jackdaw, Chaffinch, Starling, Robin, Wren and tits)
Rhesus Monkey, Leopard, Tiger, New Forest Pony
Rhesus Monkey, Leopard, Tiger, New Forest Pony
Rhesus Monkey, Leopard, Tiger, New Forest Pony
Rhesus Monkey, Leopard, Tiger, New Forest Pony
Rhesus Monkey, Leopard, Tiger, New Forest Pony
Rhesus Monkey, Leopard, Tiger, New Forest Pony
Great hill mynah (or Grackle)
Rhesus Monkey, Leopard, Tiger, New Forest Pony
New Forest pony
Rhesus Monkey, Leopard, Tiger, New Forest Pony
New Forest pony
Rhesus Monkey, Leopard, Tiger, New Forest Pony
New Forest pony
Rhesus Monkey, Leopard, Tiger, New Forest Pony
New Forest pony
Rhesus Monkey, Leopard, Tiger, New Forest Pony
RHESUS MONKEY (Macaca mulatta): Mild scuffles, screeches, snorts etc.
Rhesus Monkey, Leopard, Tiger, New Forest Pony
J. F. Burton
Rhesus Monkey, Leopard, Tiger, New Forest Pony
J. F. Burton
Scuffle between group
Rhesus Monkey, Leopard, Tiger, New Forest Pony
J. F. Burton
Scuffle between group
Rhesus Monkey, Leopard, Tiger, New Forest Pony
J. F. Burton
Aggressive snorting and eating sounds
Rhesus Monkey, Leopard, Tiger, New Forest Pony
J. F. Burton
Rhesus Monkey, Leopard, Tiger, New Forest Pony
J. F. Burton
Alarm screeches
Rhesus Monkey, Leopard, Tiger, New Forest Pony
J. F. Burton
Fighting and snorting, etc.
Rhesus Monkey, Leopard, Tiger, New Forest Pony
J. F. Burton
Cries with whimpering of young
Rhesus Monkey, Leopard, Tiger, New Forest Pony
J. F. Burton
Rhesus Monkey, Leopard, Tiger, New Forest Pony
J. F. Burton
Colony sounds with young
Rhesus Monkey, Leopard, Tiger, New Forest Pony
J. F. Burton
Roe deer
Pipistrelle bat
Whooper swan
Hover fly
Common toad
Common frog
Gentoo penguin
Macaroni Penguin
Magellan Penguin
Rockhopper Penguin
Wilson's storm petrel
Wilson's storm petrel
Wilson's storm petrel
Sooty shearwater
Fairy prion
White chinned petrel
White chinned petrel
Sea shore atmosphere
Atmosphere - Mixed woodland edge
Curlew (sea)
Mixed woodland edge (Late Spring, evening)
Temperature mixed forest atmosphere
Mixed woodland edge (Late Spring, evening)
Temperature mixed forest atmosphere
Open sea atmosphere - Sea wash (Close, day or night, any season)
Temperature mixed forest atmosphere
Mixed woodland atmosphere (Early morning)
Temperature mixed forest atmosphere
Mixed woodland atmosphere (Early morning in Winter)
Temperature mixed forest atmosphere
TEMPERATE MIXED FOREST ATMOSPHERE: Mixed woodland atmosphere (Summer)
Forest atmosphere
NORTHERN CONIFEROUS FOREST: Woodland edge (Daytime; Autumn or Winter)
Forest atmosphere
TEMPERATE MIXED FOREST ATMOSPHERE: Mixed woodland atmosphere (Early morning, Winter)
Forest atmosphere
GRASSLAND ATMOSPHERE: Heath with gorse (Autumn, mid-day)
Grassland atmosphere / Tropical savanna atmosphere
TROPICAL SAVANNA ATMOSPHERE: Tropical desert scrub (Any season, day)
Grassland atmosphere / Tropical savanna atmosphere
General (Spring or Summer, daytime)
Village atmosphere
General (Spring or Summer, daytime)
Village atmosphere
TROPICAL DESERT ATMOSPHERE: Desert scrub (Any season, mid-day)
Tropical desert atmosphere / Fens swamps atmosphere
FENS & SWAMPS ATMOSPHERE: Marshland (Autumn, early morning)
Tropical desert atmosphere / Fens swamps atmosphere
FENS AND SWAMPS ATMOSPHERE: Fenland (Summer, early morning)
Fens and swamps atmosphere / River atmosphere
RIVER ATMOSPHERE: Slow-flowing canal (Late Spring, mid-day)
Fens and swamps atmosphere / River atmosphere
House fly
SOUTHERN SEA LIONS: Colony atmosphere - Adults and young by sea
Birds / Sea lions
Herd frightened into sea
Birds / Sea lions
Colony atmosphere - Medium perspective with sea in background
Birds / Sea lions
Small isolated group of both sexes with pups
Birds / Sea lions
Indian elephant - 'whistling' & grunting while moving logs (Nepal)
Nepal and Australian animals
Atmos; tropical desert shrub - summer night (Australia)
Nepal and Australian animals
Atmos; tropical desert shrub - summer early morning (Alice Springs, Australia)
Nepal and Australian animals
Neutral atmosphere at sunset with bush-crickets (Western Australia)
Atmosphere - Tropical desert shrub, summer evening
Atmos - Tropical evergreen rain forest edge - Early Spring evening (Malagasy)
Malagasy and Gloucestershire animals
Atmos - Mixed woodland - Early Spring early morning (Gloucestershire)
Malagasy and Gloucestershire animals
RHINOCEROS: Adult growling
Rhino / Hedgehog
Adult snorting, with calls of Oxpeckers
Rhino / Hedgehog
Adult moving & groaning
Rhino / Hedgehog
HEDGEHOG: Shrieking, 2 adults
Rhino / Hedgehog
High-pitched courtship, 2 adults
Rhino / Hedgehog
RHINOCEROS: 2 bulls fighting
Rhino / Hedgehog
HEDGEHOG: Snuffling & feeding on worms
Rhino / Hedgehog
Female & young scratching in nest
Rhino / Hedgehog
INSECTS IN SUMMER: Bumble-bees, Honey-bees, Hover-flies along a hedgerow
Birds / Insects in summer
Bumble-bees, Honey-bees, Hover-flies along a hedgerow
Birds / Insects in summer
Bumble-bees, Honey-bees, Hover-flies along a hedgerow
Birds / Insects in summer
American elephant / Chimpanzee / Concolor Gibbon / Agile Gibbon
American elephant / Chimpanzee / Concolor Gibbon / Agile Gibbon
American elephant / Chimpanzee / Concolor Gibbon / Agile Gibbon
CHIMPANZEE: Early morning greetings
American elephant / Chimpanzee / Concolor Gibbon / Agile Gibbon
Baby crying
American elephant / Chimpanzee / Concolor Gibbon / Agile Gibbon
American elephant / Chimpanzee / Concolor Gibbon / Agile Gibbon
American elephant / Chimpanzee / Concolor Gibbon / Agile Gibbon
American elephant / Chimpanzee / Concolor Gibbon / Agile Gibbon
Cicadas / Tsetse fly / Honey Bee
Tsetse Fly
Cicadas / Tsetse fly / Honey Bee
Honey Bee - Undisturbed hive
Cicadas / Tsetse fly / Honey Bee
Partly deciduous tropical rain forest - Winter early morning
Australian animals
Evergreen tropical rain forest - winters day
Australian animals
Evergreen tropical rain forest - winters day
Australian animals
Partly deciduous tropical rain forest - Winters day
Australian & Gloucestershire animals
Partly deciduous tropical rain forest - Winters day
Australian & Gloucestershire animals
Partly deciduous tropical rain forest - Winters day
Australian & Gloucestershire animals
Partly deciduous tropical rain forest - Winters day (Australia)
Australian / Spanish animals
Partly deciduous tropical rain forest - Winters day (Australia)
Australian / Spanish animals
Streamside late evening - with Red-rumped & Common Swallows; Great Grey Shrike fledglings; Cuckoo & Iberian Marsh Frogs (Spain)
Australian / Spanish animals
Pygmy shrew - Fear and anger calls
Shrew / rat / birds / owl
Pygmy shrew - Fear and anger calls
Shrew / rat / birds / owl
Pygmy shrew - Fear and anger calls
Shrew / rat / birds / owl
Brown rat - Fear and anger calls
Shrew / rat / birds / owl
Brown rat - Fear and anger calls
Shrew / rat / birds / owl
Brown rat - Sniffing and fear
Shrew / rat / birds / owl
Brown rat - Sniffing and fear
Shrew / rat / birds / owl
Brown rat - Attack and biting
Shrew / rat / birds / owl
Honey Badger (Kalahari Gemsbok Game Reserve - S. Africa)
African animals
Honey Badger (Kalahari Gemsbok Game Reserve - S. Africa)
African animals
Black-Tailed Rat (Kalahari Gemsbok Game Reserve - S. Africa)
African animals
Yellow-Footed Squirrel (Kalahari Gemsbok Game Reserve - S. Africa)
African animals
Chacma Baboon (Kalahari Gemsbok Game Reserve - S. Africa)
African animals
Impala (Kalahari Gemsbok Game Reserve - S. Africa)
African animals
Buffalo (Serengeti Plains, E. Africa)
African animals
African Elephant (Serengeti Plains, E. Africa)
African animals
Black Headed (or Village) Weaver (Kalahari Gemsbok Game Reserve - S. Africa)
African animals
Woodland atmosphere
Hampshire animals
Woodland atmosphere
Hampshire animals
Stable flies - Buzzing
Hampshire animals
Gorilla - Chuckles (London Zoo)
English animals
Orang-Utan - Conversational response in capacity (London Zoo)
English animals
Red Fox - Dogs and Vixens (Surrey)
English animals
Red Fox - Dogs and Vixens (Surrey)
English animals
Chorus of thousands with many Iberian Marsh Frogs
Spanish animals
Iberian Marsh Frog - typical croaks
Spanish animals
Rubbish tip mid-day late Spring - with swarms of flies, call of Bee-eater, Crested Lark, Black Kite and bill clattering of White Storks
Spanish animals
Lion roaring
Mixed sound effects
Carrion crow & starlings
Birds of town & country
Collared dove & sparrows
Birds of town & country
Rookery & chaffinch
Birds of town & country
Song thrush & wood pigeons
Birds of town & country
Mistle thrush & chaffinch
Birds of town & country
Birds of town & country
Birds of town & country
Birds of town & country
Birds of town & country
Great spotted woodpecker
Birds of town & country
Skylark & lapwings
Birds of town & country
Dawn chorus
Birds of town & country
Atmosphere in a provincial town (Background traffic; distant trains)
Atmosphere in large building / Provincial town
COUNTRYSIDE IN SUMMER: Light wind, birds and insects
Countryside in summer / Atmosphere in Lincoln Cathedral
GOATS: Nanny goat with kids
Goats / Cows
Cows in farmyard
Goats / Cows
Goat bleating
Ferret in box, excited
Bulls bellowing in stalls (One close)
HYDE PARK: Distant traffic, faint voices passing horses, birds twittering
Cricket match / Hyde Park
British mammals and amphibians
British mammals and amphibians
Rabbits and hares
British mammals and amphibians
British mammals and amphibians
British mammals and amphibians
Carnivores (continued)
British mammals and amphibians
Hoofed animals
British mammals and amphibians
British mammals and amphibians
British mammals and amphibians
- A summer day
Sound effects No. 1
THE SUNSET TRAIL: Introduction - Harold J. Coolidge, President of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.
Wildlife in danger
Harold J. Coolidge
Mammals - Noel Simon, Founder and First Chairman of East African Wildlife Society and Deputy Director of Kenya National Parks. Formerly in charge of I. U. C. N.'s Operations Intelligence Centre.
Wildlife in danger
Noel Simon
The Great Apes - Professor T. H. Harrison of University of Sussex. Chairman of the special Orang Utan Committee of the Survival Service Commission of the I. U. C. N.
Wildlife in danger
Professor T. H. Harrison
The Role of Zoos - Dr. Ernst M. Lang, Chairman of the Zoo Liaison Committee of the I. U. C. N. Director of Basle Zoo.
Wildlife in danger
Dr. Ernst M. Lang
The World Wildlife Fund - Peter Scott, Vice President and Chairman of The World Wildlife Fund. Chairman of the Survival Service Commission of the I. U. C. N. and the Fauna Preservation Society. Direct
Wildlife in danger
Peter Scott
Pheasants to Taiwan - Philip Wayre. Chairman of Breeding Conservation Committee of Federation of Zoological Gardens. Hon. Sec. of Ornamental Pheasant Trust.
Wildlife in danger
Philip Wayre
Whales - Dr. L. Harrison Matthews. Former Scientific Director of the London Zoo. Author and Traveller.
Wildlife in danger
Dr. L. Harrison Matthews
Marginal Land and Game Cropping - Dr. A. M. Harthoorn of Universaity College, Nairobi, Kenya. Conservationist and author.
Wildlife in danger
Dr. A. M. Harthoorn
Lemurs - Dr. R. D. Martin of the Department of Anthropology, University College, London. Research Scientist.
Wildlife in danger
Dr. R. D. Martin
VOICES OF THE WORLD'S VANISHING ANIMALS: Africa and Madagascar - Red colobus (Colobus badius) (Sierra Leone, 1965)
Wildlife in danger
- Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla) (London Zoo, 1951)
Wildlife in danger
- Leopard (Panthera pardus) (Bristol Zoo, 1966)
Wildlife in danger
- Mountain Zebra (Equus zebra hartmannae) (London Zoo, 1937)
Wildlife in danger
- Black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) (London Zoo, 1937)
Wildlife in danger
- Pygmy hippopotamus (Cheropsis liberiensis) (London Zoo, 1937)
Wildlife in danger
- Black wildebeest (Connochaetes gnu) (London Zoo, 1937)
Wildlife in danger
- Aye-aye (Daubentonia madagascar-iensis) (edited)
Wildlife in danger
- Indris (indra indri) (Madagascar, 1968
Wildlife in danger
Asia: Orang Utan (Pongo pygmaeus) (London Zoo, 1952, Simms)
Wildlife in danger
- Giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) (London Zoo, 1960)
Wildlife in danger
- Tiger (Panthera tigris) (London Zoo, 1952)
Wildlife in danger
- Przewalski's horse (Equus przewalskii) (London Zoo, 1937)
Wildlife in danger
- Bactrian camel (Domestic form) (Camelus bactrianus) (London Zoo, 1937)
Wildlife in danger
- Sika deer (Cervus nippon) (New Forest, England, 1967)
Wildlife in danger
- Pre David's Deer (Elaphurus davidianus) (Woburn Park, England, 1961)
Wildlife in danger
- Korean or Oriental white stork (Ciconia (ciconia) boyciana) (Japan, 1958)
Wildlife in danger
- Brown-eared pheasant (Crossoptilon mantchuricum) (Norfolk)
Wildlife in danger
- Cheer pheasant (Catreus wallichi) (Norfolk)
Wildlife in danger
- Japanese or Manchurian crane (Grus japonensis) (Japan, 1961)
Wildlife in danger
- Leathery turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) (BBC)
Wildlife in danger
Europe: Polar Bear (Thalarctos maritimus) (In captivity, 1962, Perry)
Wildlife in danger
- European Bison (Bison bonasus) (Bialowieza Forest, Poland, 1962)
Wildlife in danger
- Lynx (Felis lynx) (Whipsnade Zoo, 1966)
Wildlife in danger
The Americas: American bison (Bison bison) (Whipsnade Zoo, 1966, Burton)
Wildlife in danger
- Hudsonian godwit (Limosa haematica) (Man., Canada)
Wildlife in danger
- Everglade (Snail) kite (Rostrhamus sociabilis plumbeus) (Fla., USA)
Wildlife in danger
- Puerto Rico whip-poor-will (Caprimulgus noctitherus) (Puerto Rico, 1961)
Wildlife in danger
Pacific and Indian Oceans: Takahe (Notornis mantelli) (New Zealand)
Wildlife in danger
- Iiwi (Vestiaria coccinea) (Maui, Hawaii, 1962)
Wildlife in danger
- Apapane (Himatione sanguinea) (Hawaii, 1961-2)
Wildlife in danger
- Seychelles fody (Foudia sechellarum) (1967)
Wildlife in danger
- Galapagos giant tortoise (Geochelone elephantopus) (Indefatigable Is., Galapagos, 1970)
Wildlife in danger
View from my window - Slimbridge in Winter
Sounds of my life
Early expeditions
Sounds of my life
Rocket netting
Sounds of my life
Seacoast and Wash
Sounds of my life
Slimbridge in Summer
Sounds of my life
Arctic Summer
Sounds of my life
Wildlife in Africa
Sounds of my life
Faraway look
Sounds of my life
Sounds of my life
Sounds of Autumn and Winter - The onset of autumn
Sounds of the countryside
October and november
Sounds of the countryside
The heart of winter
Sounds of the countryside
Late winter
Sounds of the countryside
Sounds of Spring and Summer - The coming of spring
Sounds of the countryside
William Blezard / Brian
Lowland chorus
Sounds of the countryside
Northern forest and loch
Sounds of the countryside
Sounds of the sea-coast
Sounds of the countryside
Swamp, suburb and summer hedgerow
Sounds of the countryside
The man
Recollections and recordings
Surrey / Norfolk Broads
Recollections and recordings
Recollections and recordings
Scottish Highlands / Channel Islands / Skomer Island
Recollections and recordings
Recollections and recordings
Recollections and recordings
Birch forest
Highland birds
Pine forest
Highland birds
Open forest clearings
Highland birds
River and lochside
Highland birds
Highland birds
Highland birds
The high summits
Highland birds
The islands
Highland birds
Crickets chirping
Sound effects no. 2
In full cry
Sound effects no. 2
Horn calls, far and away; calling hounds on move
Sound effects no. 2
Wildlife of East Anglia
The voice of the Stone Curlew
Wildlife of East Anglia
The Ouse Washes
Wildlife of East Anglia
Suffolk coast and marsh
Wildlife of East Anglia
Norfolk coast and marsh
Wildlife of East Anglia
Rivers, lakes and broads
Wildlife of East Anglia
Copse, hedge and heath
Wildlife of East Anglia
Wildlife of Wales
Wildlife of Wales
Wildlife of Wales
Red squirrel
Wildlife of Wales
Wildlife of Wales
The island of Skokholm
Wildlife of Wales
Wildlife of Wales
Grey seal
Wildlife of Wales
Bull and seal in sea cave / Spring gathering
Wildlife of Wales
Wildlife of Wales
Badger - Warning call / Sow / Boar and sow
Wildlife of Wales
Fallow deer - Buck at rut
Wildlife of Wales
The grey seal
Sea and island birds
Tsetse fly
Sound effects no. 3
Night atmosphere
Sound effects no. 3
Tropical forest, night
Sound effects no. 3
Birdsong and calls
Sound effects no. 6
Farm animals
Sound effects no. 6
The zoo
Sound effects no. 6
Seagulls over cliff
Essential sound effects
HORSES: Pony whinnies
Essential sound effects
Horse moves off, walks, stops
Essential sound effects
Pony snorts
Essential sound effects
Horse canters on turf
Essential sound effects
The hunt (At the gallop)
Essential sound effects
Horse race (With jump)
Essential sound effects
FARMYARD: Large dog barking
Essential sound effects
Terrier snarling
Essential sound effects
Terrier barking and growling
Essential sound effects
Cows in field
Essential sound effects
Essential sound effects
Sheep and lambs
Essential sound effects
Cat miaowing
Essential sound effects
ZOO: Parrot house
Essential sound effects
Elephant trumpeting
Essential sound effects
Essential sound effects
Essential sound effects
Sea lion pond
Essential sound effects
Essential sound effects
Jungle at night
Essential sound effects
Moorland - Curlew / Red-throated Diver / Whimbrel / Snipe / Greenshank / Willow Warbler / Golden Plover / Dotterel / Dunlin / Skylark / Common Sandpiper / Red-necked Phalaropes
Sound guide to Waders in Britain
Stony fields - Stone Curlew / Lapwing
Sound guide to Waders in Britain
Gravel pits - Little ringed plover / Common Sandpiper / Crane / Ringed Plover
Sound guide to Waders in Britain
Woodland edge - Woodcock
Sound guide to Waders in Britain
Coastal marsh - Avocet / Sedge Warbler / Gull / Tern / Redshank / Puff / Black-Tailed Godwit / Lapwing
Sound guide to Waders in Britain
Coastal sandy beech - Oystercatchers / Ringed Plover / Kentish Plover
Sound guide to Waders in Britain
Waders on passage, non-breeding calls - Tidal estuary - Curlew / Mallard / Gulls / Oystercatcher / Avocet / Lapwing / Ringed Plover / Little Ringed Plover / Kentish Plover / Golden Plover / Grey Plover / Dotterel / Turnstones
Sound guide to Waders in Britain
Dunlin / Curlew Sandpipers / Knot / Sanderling / Purple Sandpipers / Little Stint / Temminck Stint
Sound guide to Waders in Britain
Greenshank / Spotted Redshank / Wood Sandpiper / Common Sandpiper / Ruff / Stone Curlew
Sound guide to Waders in Britain
Curlew / Whimbrel / Black-tailed Godwit / Bar-tailed Godwit / Grey Phalarope / Red-necked Phalarope
Sound guide to Waders in Britain
An evocative 'sound picture' of a typical British estuary or coastal march in spring or autumn
Sound guide to Waders in Britain
Bird listening / The communication system
Bird sounds and their meaning
The sounds birds make
Bird sounds and their meaning
Bird sounds and their meaning
Bird sounds and their meaning
Moods and events
Bird sounds and their meaning
Moods and events
Bird sounds and their meaning
The early stages
Bird sounds and their meaning
Bird sounds and their meaning
Individual recognition
Bird sounds and their meaning
Far away and long ago
Bird sounds and their meaning
Airs and variations
Bird sounds and their meaning
INTRODUCTION: Asiatic white crane / Atmospheres in zoo
Fun at the zoo- Sound effects
BIRDS OF PREY: Brazilian carrion-hawk / Steller's sea eagle / White-tailed eagle / Osprey / Secretary bird
Fun at the zoo- Sound effects
SMALL MAMMALS: Mongoose / Spotted hyena / Lesser panda / Giant panda / Ocelot / Indian leopard cat / Binturong / Palmcivet / Porcupine / Guinea-pig / Praire dog / Babirusa / Black lemur/Tasmanian devil
Fun at the zoo- Sound effects
BIRD HOUSE: Atmosphere / Crowned hornbill / Superb starling / Sulphur-crested cockatoo / Kooka-burra / Peacock
Fun at the zoo- Sound effects
HOOFED ANIMALS: Camel / Bactrian camel / Llama / Black wildebeest / Chapman's zebra / Okapi
Fun at the zoo- Sound effects
REPTILE HOUSE: Crocodile / Young crocodile / Alligator / Rattlesnake / Gaboon viper
Fun at the zoo- Sound effects
BIG CATS: Lions roaring / Lion prior ro feeding / Lion family / Tiger / Tigress and cubs / Leopard purr / Leopard snarl / Jaguar
Fun at the zoo- Sound effects
SEA-LIONS and SEALS: Sea-lions in pool / Sea-lion / Sea-lion pup / Fur seal
Fun at the zoo- Sound effects
AQUARIUM: Carp and chub underwater / Electric eel transmitting / Puffer fish out of water
Fun at the zoo- Sound effects
ELEPHANTS RHINOS AND HIPPOS: African elephant / Indian elephant screaming / Indian elephant roaring and blowing / Black rhinoceros / Hippopotamus blowing / Hippopotamus roaring / Pygmy hippopotamus
Fun at the zoo- Sound effects
MONKEYS AND APES: Brown capuchin monkey / White-collared mangabey / White-crowned mangabey / Hamadryas baboon / Hoolock gibbon / Lar or white-handed gibbon / Agile gibbon / Silvery gibbon /
Fun at the zoo- Sound effects
(Continued ...) Black gibbon / Chimpanzee screams / Baby chipmanzee / Chimpanzees' tea-party / Orang-utan / Gorilla / Repeat of Brazilian carrion hawk
Fun at the zoo- Sound effects
ANIMAL LANGUAGE: Marsh frog and skylark / Field cricket / Sheep
Communication in animals
Burton / Koch
How animals make sounds - Marsh frog / Yorkshire terrior / Wolfhound / Indian elephant / Water shrew / Hippopotamus / Red deer stags
Communication in animals
Simms / Koch
The sound of Mammals - Domestic cat miaowing / Domestic cat and kittens / Adult siamese cat / Siamese cat and kitten / Lioness / Ocelot / Badger (boar and sow) / Sow badger / Black gibbons / Chimpanzees / Grey seal cows singing / Grey seal pup
Communication in animals
Simms / Koch
The sounds of Amphibians and Reptiles - Common frogs and common toads / Midwife toad / Crocodile / Young crocodile / Alligator / Gaboon viper / Rattlesnake
Communication in animals
Simms / Koch
The sounds of Insects and Fish - Cricket / Dark bush-cricket / Cicada / Lesser waterboatman / Screech beetle / Death's head hawkmoth / Puffer fish / Carp and chubb
Communication in animals
Burton / Simms
Seal islands
Sounds of nature
Eric Simms
Constable's country
Sounds of nature
Eric Simms
Downland night
Sounds of nature
Eric Simms
Blakeney in Winter
Sounds of nature
Eric Simms
Britain's deer
Sounds of nature
Eric Simms
Sounds of nature
Eric Simms
The last wilderness
Sounds of nature
Eric Simms
ANIMALES DE GRANJA: Ladrido de perro lobo en corral de granja
Efectos de sonido No 6
Grunido de Terrier cruzado
Efectos de sonido No 6
Terrier ladrando y grunendo
Efectos de sonido No 6
Vacas y terneros
Efectos de sonido No 6
Gansos cloqueando
Efectos de sonido No 6
Ovejas y corderos
Efectos de sonido No 6
Ladrido de perro pastor
Efectos de sonido No 6
Efectos de sonido No 6
CABALLOS - Tropel de caballos pasando
Efectos de sonido No 6
REPARTO DE LECHE - Carromato lechero andando y parada
Efectos de sonido No 6
Carromato lechero arrancando y marchando
Efectos de sonido No 6
Reparto por casas
Efectos de sonido No 6
Bocinas o sirenas de las fabricas parada
Efectos de sonido No 6
Carromato lechero arrancando y marchando
Efectos de sonido No 6
Reparto por casas
Efectos de sonido No 6
Bocinas o sirenas de las fabricas
Efectos de sonido No 6
ZOOLOGICO: molinete de entrada
Efectos de sonido No 6
Dentro de la jaula de loros
Efectos de sonido No 6
Bramido de elefante indio
Efectos de sonido No 6
Elefante africano barritando
Efectos de sonido No 6
Flamada de amenaza de leonsa, con leones
Efectos de sonido No 6
Amenaza de tigresa
Efectos de sonido No 6
Hipopotamo resoplando en el estanque
Efectos de sonido No 6
Estanque de leon marino y visitantes
Efectos de sonido No 6
Efectos de sonido No 6
Efectos de sonido Vol.11
Risas entre patos
Efectos de sonido Vol.11
Relincho de caballo
Efectos de sonido Vol.11
Rebuzno de asno
Efectos de sonido Vol.11
MONSTRUOS Y ANIMALES: Gorila enloquecido
Efectos de sonido Vol.13 Horror
MONSTRUOS Y ANIMALES: Gorila enloquecido
Efectos de sonido Vol.13 Horror
Monstruos rugiendo
Efectos de sonido Vol.13 Horror
Monstruos rugiendo
Efectos de sonido Vol.13 Horror
Lobo aullando
Efectos de sonido Vol.13 Horror
Lobo aullando
Efectos de sonido Vol.13 Horror
Tres hombres lobos aullando
Efectos de sonido Vol.13 Horror
Tres hombres lobos aullando
Efectos de sonido Vol.13 Horror
Lobos aullando a la luna
Efectos de sonido Vol.13 Horror
Lobos aullando a la luna
Efectos de sonido Vol.13 Horror
Lobos aullando y grunendo
Efectos de sonido Vol.13 Horror
Lobos aullando y grunendo
Efectos de sonido Vol.13 Horror
Sabueso grunendo
Efectos de sonido Vol.13 Horror
Sabueso grunendo
Efectos de sonido Vol.13 Horror
Sabueso jadeando
Efectos de sonido Vol.13 Horror
Sabueso jadeando
Efectos de sonido Vol.13 Horror
Efectos de sonido Vol.13 Horror
Murcielagos chillando y volando
Efectos de sonido Vol.13 Horror
Vampiro en vuelo
Efectos de sonido Vol.13 Horror
Efectos de sonido Vol.13 Horror
Serpiente de cascabel
Efectos de sonido Vol.13 Horror
Maullido de gato
Efectos de sonido Vol.13 Horror
ANIMALES: Enjambres de insectos
Efectos de sonido Vol.16 - Desastres
Estampida de animales (En hierba)
Efectos de sonido Vol.16 - Desastres
Estampida de animales (Terreno abrupto)
Efectos de sonido Vol.16 - Desastres
Chirridos imitando animales
Efectos De Sonido Ciencia Ficcion
NASTY ANIMALS AND BIRDS: Werewolf - The transformation from human to beast
Even more death and horror
Giant killer bees - No honey from these
Even more death and horror
Sleeping dragon - Don't waken it up
Even more death and horror
Dragon - On the move through the bushes - With occasional flaming bad breath
Even more death and horror
Dragon kill - The death of the monster
Even more death and horror
Pterodactyl flying - With squawks
Even more death and horror
Vultures feeding - If you lie around long enough, they'll clean you out
Even more death and horror
Piranha fish feeding - Don't go for a swim
Even more death and horror
In the snake pit - They hiss with forked tongues
Even more death and horror
'The birds' attack a feed - On what you may ask
Even more death and horror
Triffids - (i) Sting (ii) 'Talking'
Even more death and horror
The hunt (At the gallop)
Essential sound effects
HORSES: Pony whinnies
Essential sound effects
Horse moves off, walks, stops
Essential sound effects
Pony snorts
Essential sound effects
Horse canters on turf
Essential sound effects
The hunt (At the gallop)
Essential sound effects
Horse race (With jump)
Essential sound effects
FARMYARD: Large dog barking
Essential sound effects
Terrier snarling
Essential sound effects
Terrier barking and growling
Essential sound effects
Cows in field
Essential sound effects
Essential sound effects
Sheep and lambs
Essential sound effects
Cat miaowing
Essential sound effects
ZOO: Parrot house
Essential sound effects
Elephant trumpeting
Essential sound effects
Essential sound effects
Essential sound effects
Sea lion pond
Essential sound effects
Essential sound effects
Jungle at night
Essential sound effects
Essential death and horror - Volume 1
Monsters roaring
Essential death and horror - Volume 1
Wolf howling
Essential death and horror - Volume 1
3 werewolves howling
Essential death and horror - Volume 1
Wolves baying at the moon
Essential death and horror - Volume 1
Wolves howling and snarling
Essential death and horror - Volume 1
The hell-hound (Growling and snarling)
Essential death and horror - Volume 1
The hell-hound (Panting)
Essential death and horror - Volume 1
Bats calling
Essential death and horror - Volume 1
Bats squeaking and flying
Essential death and horror - Volume 1
Dracula in flight
Essential death and horror - Volume 1
Snake hissing
Essential death and horror - Volume 1
Essential death and horror - Volume 1
A cat howl
Essential death and horror - Volume 1
Wild dogs
Essential death and horror - Volume 1
NASTY ANIMALS AND BIRDS: Werewolf - The transformation from human to beast
Essential death and horror - Volume 2
Giant killer bees
Essential death and horror - Volume 2
Dragon (on the move through bushes)
Essential death and horror - Volume 2
Dragon kill - The death of the monster
Essential death and horror - Volume 2
Pterodactyl flying - With squawks
Essential death and horror - Volume 2
Vultures feeding
Essential death and horror - Volume 2
Piranha fish feeding
Essential death and horror - Volume 2
The snake pit
Essential death and horror - Volume 2
The birds
Essential death and horror - Volume 2
The Triffids (Sting)
Essential death and horror - Volume 2
The Triffids (Talking)
Essential death and horror - Volume 2
HORSES: One horse trots up and stops
Essential combat & disasters sound effects
Trots up and stands
Essential combat & disasters sound effects
Gallops up, heavy breathing
Essential combat & disasters sound effects
Restless horse approach and depart
Essential combat & disasters sound effects
Snorts and walks away
Essential combat & disasters sound effects
Canters away
Essential combat & disasters sound effects
Trotting left to right
Essential combat & disasters sound effects
Trotting right to left
Essential combat & disasters sound effects
ANIMAL: Swarming insects
Essential combat & disasters sound effects
Animal stampede (Grass)
Essential combat & disasters sound effects
Animal stampede (Broken surface)
Essential combat & disasters sound effects
Essential comedy - Volume 1
Essential comedy - Volume 1
Human sheep
Essential comedy - Volume 1
Sad dog
Essential comedy - Volume 1
Silly moos
Essential comedy - Volume 1
Munching crocodile
Essential comedy - Volume 1
Flying rattlesnake landing
Essential comedy - Volume 1
Cat with hiccoughs
Essential comedy - Volume 1
Wild boars having tea
Essential comedy - Volume 1
BIRDS: Electric woodpecker
Essential comedy - Volume 1
Daddy owl
Essential comedy - Volume 1
Mummy owl
Essential comedy - Volume 1
Gobbling goose
Essential comedy - Volume 1
Irish nightingale
Essential comedy - Volume 1
Smoked herring gull
Essential comedy - Volume 1
More or less normal chicken
Essential comedy - Volume 1
Indisposed chicken
Essential comedy - Volume 1
Mating cry of the lesser spotted ooja
Essential comedy - Volume 1
Neurotic duck
Essential comedy - Volume 1
JANUARY: Song thrush (Turdus philomelos)
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Mistle thrush (Turdus viscivorus)
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Robin (Erithacus rebecula)
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Great tit (Parus major)
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Blue tit (Parus caeruleus)
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Coal Tit (Parus ater)
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Starling song (Sturnus vulgaris)
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Starling imitating golden oriole (Sturnus vulgaris)
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Wren (Troglodytes troglodytes)
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
FEBRUARY: Blackbird (Turdus merula)
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Woodpigeon (Columba polumnus)
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Woodland chorus
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Stock dove (Columba oenas)
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Chaffinch (Fringilla Coelebs)
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Marsh tit (Parus palustris)
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Treecreeper (Certhia familiaris)
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Nuthatch (Sitta europaea)
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Long eared owl (Asia otus)
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
MARCH: Woodland chorus
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Carrion crow call (Cavus corone)
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Carrion crow motorhorn note (Cavus corone)
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Rook (Carvus frugilegus)
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Great spotted woodpecker (Dendrocopus major)
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Heron (Ardea cinerea)
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Woodcock (Scolopax rusticola)
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula)
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Greenfinch (Carduelis chloris)
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Redpoll (Acanthis flammea)
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Hawfinch (Coccothraustes coccothraustes)
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Chiffchaff (Phylloscopus collybits)
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Redwing (Turdus musicus)
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
APRIL: Carrion crow
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Dawn chorus
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Willow warbler (Phylloscopus trochilus)
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Blackcap (Sylvia atricapills)
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Garden warbler (Sylvia borin)
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Whitethroat (Sylvia communis)
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos)
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Redstart (Phoenicurus phoenicurur)
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Tree pipit (Anthus trivialis)
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Cuckoo (Curculus canorus)
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Woodland chorus
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
MAY: Woodland chorus
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Song thrush and rook
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Heronry atmosphere
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Wood warbler (Phylloscopus sibilatrix)
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Turtle dove (Streptopelia turtur)
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Pied flycatcher (Muscicapa hypoleuca)
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Long tailed tit (Aegithalos caudatus)
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Great tit and sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus)
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Simms / Koch
Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus)
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Long eared owls and nestlings
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Serin (Serinus canarius)
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
JUNE: Yellowhammer (Emberiza citrinella)
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Dawn chorus and herons
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Icterine warbler (Hippolais icterina)
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Melodious warbler (Hippolais polyglotta)
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Redbacked shrike (Lanius collurio)
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Buzzard (Butreo buteo)
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Honey buzzard (Pernis apivorus)
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Young kestrels
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Young starlings
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Young jays
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Young great spotted woodpeckers
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Night jar (Caprimulgus europaeus)
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
JULY: July chorus with wren
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Greenfinch alarm
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Hobby (Falco subbuteo)
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Adults and young jackdaw
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Single young jackdaw
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Young blackcap
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Young tawny owls (Strix alucc)
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Young sparrowhawks
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Autumn robin song
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Autumn great tit song
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Linnet (Acanthis cannabins)
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Magpie (pica pica)
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Starlings in elders
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Small birds mobbing tawny owl
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Tawny owls hooting
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Barn owl (Tyto alba)
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
THE END OF THE YEAR: Starlings assembling
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Pheasant (Phasianus colchicus)
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Blackbirds at roost
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Redwings at roost
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Rooks and jackdaws leaving roost
Essential seasonal birdsong sound effects
Pony trekking
Essential home video sound effects
SEASIDE: Donkeys on the beach
Essential home video sound effects
Seagulls over cliff
Essential home video sound effects
Essential comedy - Volume 2
Duck laughter
Essential comedy - Volume 2
Horse! Neigh!
Essential comedy - Volume 2
Essential comedy - Volume 2
HORSES (COCONUT SHELLS): Galloping on stone
Essential comedy - Volume 2
Galloping on stone to stop
Essential comedy - Volume 2
Galloping on turf
Essential comedy - Volume 2
Walking on stone to stop
Essential comedy - Volume 2
Jabbering mice! Squeaks
Essential comedy - Volume 2
SWANEE WHISTLES: 3 warbling whistles-up
Essential comedy - Volume 2
3 warbling whistles-down
Essential comedy - Volume 2
3 warbling whistles up and down
Essential comedy - Volume 2
3 straight whistles-up
Essential comedy - Volume 2
3 straight whistles-down
Essential comedy - Volume 2
3 straight whistles up and down
Essential comedy - Volume 2
MAGIC AND FANTASY: Dance of fire-flies
Essential science-fiction sound effects - Volume 2
Malcolm Clarke
Star fairies
Essential science-fiction sound effects - Volume 2
Dick Mills
Midsummer elves
Essential science-fiction sound effects - Volume 2
Malcolm Clarke
Fairy appears
Essential science-fiction sound effects - Volume 2
Malcolm Clarke
Fairy disappears
Essential science-fiction sound effects - Volume 2
Malcolm Clarke
Magic bird song
Essential science-fiction sound effects - Volume 2
Glynis Jones
Essential science-fiction sound effects - Volume 2
Delia Derbyshire
Roaring monster
Essential science-fiction sound effects - Volume 2
Brian Hodgson
Firespitting monster
Essential science-fiction sound effects - Volume 2
Peter Howell
COUNTRY ATMOSPHERES: Farm - dawn in late Spring
Essential sounds of the countryside
Village - evening in late Spring
Essential sounds of the countryside
Farm - dawn in Summer
Essential sounds of the countryside
Mixed woodland - morning in Spring
Essential sounds of the countryside
Lake - early morning in Spring
Essential sounds of the countryside
Bleak island moorland
Essential sounds of the countryside
Fox hunting
Essential sounds of the countryside
HORSES: Blacksmith preparing horseshows
Essential sounds of the countryside
Horse led out of stable
Essential sounds of the countryside
Stable door opened and horses led out
Essential sounds of the countryside
Horses on trek
Essential sounds of the countryside
Horse and cart
Essential sounds of the countryside
Horse trotting
Essential sounds of the countryside
Horse walking
Essential sounds of the countryside
Horse at gallop
Essential sounds of the countryside
Restless horse on rough track
Essential sounds of the countryside
FARM ANIMALS: Flock of sheep in field
Essential sounds of the countryside
Lamb bleating in barn
Essential sounds of the countryside
Flock of sheep in field - some close bleating
Essential sounds of the countryside
Sheep unloaded at market
Essential sounds of the countryside
Chickens (Free range) - scratching in grass
Essential sounds of the countryside
Cows mooing in yard
Essential sounds of the countryside
Cows and calves in field
Essential sounds of the countryside
Cows in muddy lane
Essential sounds of the countryside
Cattle market auction
Essential sounds of the countryside
Sheep auction
Essential sounds of the countryside
Geese cackling
Essential sounds of the countryside
Excited crowds at finish of horse race with results announced on public address
Essential crowd sound effects
London Zoo - Crowds with children feeding time at the sea-lions
Essential sound effects of England
St James's Park - Spring afternoon by lakeside with water fowl, footsteps and voices
Essential sound effects of England
ENGINE COUNTRY ATMOSPHERES: An English summer's day in the garden - larks singing, bees buzzing
Essential sound effects of England
Nightingales singing - close perspective
Essential sound effects of England
NATURAL ENVIRONMENTS - INDIAN SUBCONTINENT: Jungle - at night - insects and distant animal calls
Essential foreign sound effects
Dry deciduous woodland - dawn - with bird calls (doves, mynahs, warblers and parakeets)
Essential foreign sound effects
Indian elephant
Essential foreign sound effects
Tiger snarling and growling
Essential foreign sound effects
AFRICA: Bush game park - atmosphere after sunset with insects
Essential foreign sound effects
Tropical rainforest - evening - tree frogs and crickets
Essential foreign sound effects
Lakeside - early morning - lively dawn chorus of birdsong, insects and frogs
Essential foreign sound effects
Lion - roaring with atmosphere of bush insects
Essential foreign sound effects
Elephant - trumpeting
Essential foreign sound effects
Chimpanzees - calls
Essential foreign sound effects
Essential foreign sound effects
SOUTH AMERICA: Jungle - late evening - frogs and insects
Essential foreign sound effects
Swamp - evening - with bord calls (ibis, kiskadee, toucan, parakeet)
Essential foreign sound effects
EUROPE - SWITZERLAND: Alpine cowbells - large
Essential foreign sound effects
Alpine cowbells - small
Essential foreign sound effects
GREECE: Goats with bells on hillside pasture with insects and birdsong
Essential foreign sound effects
Chaffinches with crickets, bees and other insects on hillside - midday
Essential foreign sound effects
Sheep and lambs
Essential sounds of Ambridge
Sheep dipping
Essential sounds of Ambridge
Jill's hens
Essential sounds of Ambridge
Brian Aldridge culling one of his deer
Essential sounds of Ambridge
BRIDGE FARM: Tony Archer's milking parlour
Essential sounds of Ambridge
As above. Milking in progress
Essential sounds of Ambridge
Some of Tony's cows in the yard
Essential sounds of Ambridge
GRANGE FARM: Some of the Grundy Friesians drink from the cool waters of the River Am
Essential sounds of Ambridge
Eddie's turkey poults being fattened up for Christmas
Essential sounds of Ambridge
Peggy's cat tells her all about it
Essential sounds of Ambridge
Essential sounds of Ambridge
AMBRIDGE HALL: Linda Snell's goats
Essential sounds of Ambridge
Linda proves surprisingly adept when it comes to milking one of her goats
Essential sounds of Ambridge
THE DOVER HOUSE: Caroline Pemberton gives her horse, Midnight, a carrot. The other horses in the stable are jealous but Midnight doesn't care
Essential sounds of Ambridge
WILLOW FARM: Neil Carter feeds the pigs
Essential sounds of Ambridge
THE VILLAGE GREEN: The millards' stately progress across the village green is disturbed; first by Simon Pemberton speeding up to Leamington, then by Roy Tucker and Kate Aldridge walking to the village shop to see Betty Tucker
Essential sounds of Ambridge
NIGHTINGALE FARM: Mrs. Antrobus has gone out, leaving her Afghan hounds in the house. William Grundy has cycled up and down the path making a cheerful, teenage din. Suspecting an intruder, the dogs are restless
Essential sounds of Ambridge
Tony Archer looks over a few organically reared cows at Borchester market
Essential sounds of Ambridge
AND FINALLY ...: The Ambridge Cow. She gets everywhere
Essential sounds of Ambridge
Tropical dawn chorus
BBC sound effects
Red-throated diver
BBC sound effects
Iberian marsh frog
BBC sound effects
Willow warbler
BBC sound effects
Ring-tailed lemur
BBC sound effects
Exterior atmospheres
Domestic animals: Cats
Animals and birds
Animals and birds
Animals and birds
Animals and birds
Animals and birds
Animals and birds
Animals and birds
Animals and birds
Animals and birds
Animals and birds
Farm animals: Cattle
Animals and birds
Animals and birds
Animals and birds
Animals and birds
Animals and birds
Animals and birds
Animals and birds
Animals and birds
Animals and birds
Horses and donkeys: Horses
Animals and birds
Animals and birds
Animals and birds
Animals and birds
Animals and birds
Animals and birds
Animals and birds
Animals and birds
Animals and birds
Animals and birds
Animals and birds
Birds and waterfowl: Birds and waterfowl
Animals and birds
Birds and waterfowl
Animals and birds
Birds and waterfowl
Animals and birds
Birds and waterfowl
Animals and birds
Birds and waterfowl
Animals and birds
Birds and waterfowl
Animals and birds
Birds and waterfowl
Animals and birds
Birds and waterfowl
Animals and birds
Birds and waterfowl
Animals and birds
Birds and waterfowl
Animals and birds
Birds and waterfowl
Animals and birds
Birds and waterfowl
Animals and birds
Birds and waterfowl
Animals and birds
Jungle habitats: Jungle habitats
Animals and birds
Jungle habitats
Animals and birds
Jungle habitats
Animals and birds
Comedy, fantasy and humour
Comedy, fantasy and humour
Comedy, fantasy and humour
Comedy, fantasy and humour
Comedy, fantasy and humour
Comedy, fantasy and humour
Comedy, fantasy and humour
Comedy, fantasy and humour
Comedy, fantasy and humour
Comedy, fantasy and humour
Comedy, fantasy and humour
Comedy, fantasy and humour
Comedy, fantasy and humour
Comedy, fantasy and humour
Fish farm - Breeding room
Blackbird (Turdus merula)
British birds
Blackcap (Sylvia antricapilla)
British birds
Chaffinch (Fringilla Coelebs)
British birds
Chiffchaff (Phylloscopus collybita)
British birds
Common gull (Larus canus)
British birds
Housemartin (Delichon urbica)
British birds
Lapwing (Vanellus vanellus)
British birds
Linnet (Acanthis cannabina)
British birds
Nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos)
British birds
Tawny owl (Strix aluco)
British birds
Otstercatcher (Haematopus ostralegus)
British birds
Reedwarbler (Acrocephalus scirpaceus)
British birds
Ring ouzel (Turdus torquatus)
British birds
Robin (Erithacus rubecula)
British birds
British birds
Sedgewarbler (Acrocephalus schoenobaenus)
British birds
Skylark (Alauda arvensis)
British birds
Stonechat (Saxicola torquata)
British birds
Coal Tits (Parus ater)
British birds
Wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe)
British birds
Willow warbler (Phylloscopus trochilus)
British birds
Whitethroat (Sylvia communis)
British birds
Lesser whitethroat (Sylvia curruca)
British birds
Wren (Troglodytes troglodytes)
British birds
British birds
Zoo. Interior of bird house with children
Farmstead - Late spring, early morning with wren, robin, pheasant, cuckoo, chaffinch, house sparrows, goldfinch, peacock, feral pigeon and cockerel. Distant sheep and cattle
Natural atmospheres 1 - Europe and Northern Asia, west of the Urals
Village - Late srping, evening with blackbird, wren, rooks, chaffinch, woodpigeon and distant dog
Natural atmospheres 1 - Europe and Northern Asia, west of the Urals
Farmstead - Summer, early morning with blackbird, wren, robin, rooks, woodpigeon, feral pigeon, chaffinch, house sparrow, distant peacock and sheep
Natural atmospheres 1 - Europe and Northern Asia, west of the Urals
Cultivated land (warm temperature) - Late spring, midday with bee-eaters, spotless starlings, turtle dove, blue tit, azure-winged magpie, crested lark and cattle
Natural atmospheres 1 - Europe and Northern Asia, west of the Urals
Cultivated land (smei-aric) - Late spring, midday, fairly neutral with woodlark, booted eagle, corn bunting, hoopoe, azure-winged magpie, spotless starling, grasshoppers and passing flies. Very distant traffic
Natural atmospheres 1 - Europe and Northern Asia, west of the Urals
Farmstead - Summer, night with barn owls, distant tawny owls and distant dog
Natural atmospheres 1 - Europe and Northern Asia, west of the Urals
Broad-leaved woodland - Late spring, early morning dawn chorus with cuckoos, garden warbler and nightingale
Natural atmospheres 1 - Europe and Northern Asia, west of the Urals
Broad-leaved woodland - Late spring, early morning (Mediterranean region only) with nightingale, flies, cickoo, whitethroat, Bonelli's warbler and field crickets
Natural atmospheres 1 - Europe and Northern Asia, west of the Urals
Mixed woodland - Early spring, early morning, neutral with distant hooded crows, buzzard and great tit
Natural atmospheres 1 - Europe and Northern Asia, west of the Urals
Coniferous woodland - Late spring, midday with black kite, tree sparrows, corn bunting, chaffinch, field crickets, bees, flies and distant hoopoe
Natural atmospheres 1 - Europe and Northern Asia, west of the Urals
Heather moorland - Late spring, early morning with golden plover, skylark, curfew and distant sheep. Some wind
Natural atmospheres 1 - Europe and Northern Asia, west of the Urals
Heather moorland - Late spring, evening with snipe and oystercatchers. Some wind
Natural atmospheres 1 - Europe and Northern Asia, west of the Urals
Lake - Early spring, early morning with mallard, coot, Canada goose and incipient dawn chorus
Natural atmospheres 1 - Europe and Northern Asia, west of the Urals
Low lying marshy pasture - Winter, early morning with lapping water and distant curfews. Some wind
Natural atmospheres 1 - Europe and Northern Asia, west of the Urals
Lake - Late spring, night, neutral with oystercatcher and Arctic terns. Some wind
Natural atmospheres 1 - Europe and Northern Asia, west of the Urals
Synthesised crickets
Alarms and sirens
Goldens Bridge, New York State - crickets at night
Roadside, Ford Kent, Maine - starlings roosting
New Orleans, Louisiana - house finch at night
Lakeside, near Wuhan, with blackbird's song
Muted chatter, Pawi (NW Ethiopia) - birdsong and creaking chair
HABITAT - CAMEROUN: Insects and frogs, early evening, topical rainforest, Kribi (SW Cameroun)
Africa: The natural world
Birds and insects, mid-morning, topical rainforest, Kribi (SW Cameroun)
Africa: The natural world
Crickets, tree frogs and rain on big leaves, mid-afternoon, tropical rainforest, just south of Yaounde
Africa: The natural world
Turaco birds, insects and tree frogs, tropical rainforest, W Cameroun
Africa: The natural world
SENEGAL: Indsects and birds (cicadas, purple starlings, distant red-beaked hornbills and doves), savanna (dry season), Suleti water holes
Africa: The natural world
CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC: Insects, early evening, tropical rainforest, near Bangui
Africa: The natural world
ZAIRE: Tree-frogs and crickets, late evening, marshy jungle, E Zaire
Africa: The natural world
RWANDA: Marsh and tree-frogs, early evening, tropical rainforesr, W Rwanda
Africa: The natural world
KENYA: Birds (doves and go-away birds), early morning, Amboeseli National Park
Africa: The natural world
Flamingoes, Morning, Lake Nakuru
Africa: The natural world
Lakeside, with hippo grunting and snorting and coots, grebes and hoopoe in background, daytime, Lake Naivasha
Africa: The natural world
Lakeside with birds, including hoopoe and boubou shrike, early morning, Lake Naivasha
Africa: The natural world
SPECIES - LIONS: Lions with insect chorus, in tropical evergreen forest at dusk, Abuko Nature Reserve, The Gambia
Africa: The natural world
Male lion roaring, with clean background
Africa: The natural world
Lions roaring, with crickets in background, E Africa
Africa: The natural world
CHEETAHS: Close up, growling and breathing, S Africa
Africa: The natural world
LEOPARDS: Close up, growling and breathing, S Africa
Africa: The natural world
WART HOGS: Close up growls and snarls from several animals
Africa: The natural world
ELEPHANTS: Elephants close up, others in background. In captivity, some slight echo from walls. S Africa
Africa: The natural world
Elephants trumpeting and breaking branches. Amboeseli, National Park, Kenya
Africa: The natural world
BURCHELL'S ZEBRA: Middle distance calling from single animal. S Africa
Africa: The natural world
Close up calls from single animal, with background
Africa: The natural world
CHACMA BABOONS: Two juveniles playing, with background. S Africa
Africa: The natural world
Adult calling, S Africa
Africa: The natural world
Juvenile screaming, with background, S Africa
Africa: The natural world
Juveniles screaming, with background, S Africa
Africa: The natural world
Male chasing another, with background, S Africa
Africa: The natural world
WILDEBEST: Several grazing and grunting, with birds and insects in background, Masai Mara National Park, Kenya
Africa: The natural world
CHIMPANZEES: Close up calls, Abuko Nature Reserve, The Gambia
Africa: The natural world
Atmosphere at start of race, with PA
Equestrian events
Start of race
Equestrian events
Distinct PA commentary on whole race
Equestrian events
Excited cropwd at finish of Cheltenham Gold Cup, 1989
Equestrian events
Horses pass over hurdle - with PA
Equestrian events
POINT TO POINT RACING: Start of race - with PA
Equestrian events
Field pass over jump with 2 stragglers
Equestrian events
Two horses pass over jump - faint PA
Equestrian events
Large field passes over jump
Equestrian events
Large field passes over jump
Equestrian events
Field passes over jump
Equestrian events
Field passes over jump - one straggler
Equestrian events
Field passes on flat - with distinct PA
Equestrian events
Field passes on flat - with distinct PA
Equestrian events
Finish of race, recorded by winning post
Equestrian events
POLO: Warm up before match - horses hooves, ball eing lit, ends with bell for start of match (indexed)
Equestrian events
Horselines, during match
Equestrian events
Goal scored in match, rec. beside goal
Equestrian events
Goal scored
Equestrian events
Bell for end of chucka
Equestrian events
Horselines after match - noisy
Equestrian events
SHOW JUMPING: Collecting ring (no jump)
Equestrian events
Wide perspective jumping arena atmos. Hickstead, with some very faint chap
Equestrian events
1 horse jumps and knocks fence
Equestrian events
Horse jumps - children in background
Equestrian events
Horse jumps - with applause
Equestrian events
Horse jumps and knocks fence down - attendants put it up again
Equestrian events
Hooter (Hickstead) beginning of round
Equestrian events
HUNTING: Hounds 'singing' - huntsman blows 'Picking up hounds' on horn
Equestrian events
Crickets and other insects, Lassithi Plateau, midday
Birds (chaffinches) and insects, Lassithi Plateau midday
Goats with bells, Lassithi Plateau - also goatherd shouting and dog barking - and insects and birds
GOATS: One goat hand-milked - milk poured into churn
Livestock (1)
One Old-English goat bleating - occasional wind noise - interior
Livestock (1)
One Anglo-Nubian goat bleating - some very loud calls - exterior
Livestock (1)
One British Saanen goat bleating - goatling returns call - nanny in barn, goatling exterior
Livestock (1)
General atmosphere in goat-house, (about 20 goats) - goats moving around pens
Livestock (1)
One goat milked by machine 0 other goats bleating occasionally - interior - abrupt end
Livestock (1)
One goat hand-milked - milking machine humming in background - interior
Livestock (1)
General atmosphere in goat-house, with milking machine in background
Livestock (1)
Goats being fed - lots of bleating and movement, general atmosphere - interior
Livestock (1)
One British Saanen goat bleating - some birdsong - rec. early September - exterior
Livestock (1)
One British Saanen goat bleating (annoyed) moving around a field - exterior
Livestock (1)
PIGS - Where not specified, pigs are of varying combination of breads: General atmosphere amoung farrowing pens - piglets a few days old
Livestock (1)
Piglets suckling - some flies heard on mic - close perspective - interior
Livestock (1)
General atmosphere in farrowing pens - lots of snorting, squealing and grunting - interior
Livestock (1)
Pigs 2-5 months old, scurrying around in bungalows (special fattening pens)
Livestock (1)
General atmosphere of approx. 20 pigs feeding, active, some loud squeals - interior
Livestock (1)
Close perspective of pigs feeding
Livestock (1)
Approx. 100 pigs feeding - Middle Whites
Livestock (1)
Three pigs grunting occasionally in yard - Middle Whites and Saddlebacks
Livestock (1)
Three Tamworth pigs grunting in yard - some wind noise - close perspective - exterior
Livestock (1)
CATTLE: Cattle passing on tarmac, about 30-50
Livestock (1)
Herd of approx. 10 cows walk past over rough track - distant vehicle - exterior
Livestock (1)
Door opens - one cow walks into milking parlour, calf scampers in behind
Livestock (1)
One cow passes on hard ground
Livestock (1)
One cow walks into milking parlour and moos
Livestock (1)
One cow hand-milked - some loud moos - bucket down on floor at end - interior
Livestock (1)
Calves suckling cow in barn - lots of movement by calves - interior
Livestock (1)
Milking parlour - machine running, no animal noises - machine switched off
Livestock (1)
Cattle cake distributed into feed bins
Livestock (1)
Cattle being milked
Livestock (1)
One cow milked by machine
Livestock (1)
South Devon suckling herd being fed in field - very close perspective
Livestock (1)
TURKEYS: Eight month old turkeys - mostly hens - close perspective - interior
Livestock (2)
Six month old turkeys - mosrtly stags - startled - interior
Livestock (2)
General atmosphere - six month old turkeys - ends abruptly - interior
Livestock (2)
General atmosphere of turkey hens - interior
Livestock (2)
CHICKENS: Hens moving round hen-house - very loud cockerel at top of track
Livestock (2)
Hens disturbed in hen-house, very close flap of wings - interior
Livestock (2)
Cockerel and hens scratching in grass for corn - wide stereo image
Livestock (2)
SHEEP: Flock of sheep run up lane - lots of wind in trees - gate opening
Livestock (2)
About 30-50 ewes and lambs calling
Livestock (2)
One lamb bleating in barn - rec. Nov.
Livestock (2)
Sheep scurry past - exterior
Livestock (2)
Sheep run past on concrete - exterior
Livestock (2)
One sheep being sheared - close perspective
Livestock (2)
Sheep unloaded at market - exterior - wide sterio image
Livestock (2)
GOATS: Billy (British Seanen) calling to nanny - exterior
Livestock (2)
Goats mating - perspective varies
Livestock (2)
CATTLE: Cattle TB tested in yard
Livestock (2)
Cow startled in cattle crush
Livestock (2)
Cows mooing in yard - close perspective
Livestock (2)
Young calves feeding in sheds
Livestock (2)
Cows walking down muddy lane - close perspective
Livestock (2)
Calves loaded / unloaded from trailer
Livestock (2)
Calves out of trailer
Livestock (2)
LIVESTOCK MARKETS - Recorded at Hatherleigh Market, Devon, August 1989: Poultry auction - some speech - interior
Livestock (2)
Cow and calf auction, near ring - interior
Livestock (2)
Calf auction - animal noise - interior
Livestock (2)
Sheep auction - animal noise - interior
Livestock (2)
Cattle in pens at market
Livestock (2)
General atmosphere in market
Livestock (2)
One horse at walk approaches, dismounted
Horses (1)
Two horses at walk on gravelly track - left to right
Horses (1)
Two horses walk past on gravelly track
Horses (1)
Two horses approach at trot, pass at walk
Horses (1)
Two horses at trot on gravelly track - left to right
Horses (1)
Two horses at trot on gravelly track - right to left
Horses (1)
Two horses pass at trot on gravelly track
Horses (1)
Two horses trot past on gravelly track
Horses (1)
Two horses canter past on gravelly track
Horses (1)
Two horses gallop past on gravelly track
Horses (1)
Two horses walk under bridge on tarmac road
Horses (1)
One horse walks past on tarmac
Horses (1)
One horse canters past on grass
Horses (1)
One horse trots past on grass
Horses (1)
One horse trots past on tarmac
Horses (1)
One horse galloping through field
Horses (1)
One horse canters on approach
Horses (1)
One horse trots past through grass
Horses (1)
One horse trots past through a field of stubble
Horses (1)
One horse at walk on tarmac
Horses (1)
One horse at trot through grass
Horses (1)
One horse walks past througfh grass
Horses (1)
One horse trots through grass
Horses (1)
One horse walks on approach, on tarmac
Horses (1)
One horse at trot, on tarmac
Horses (1)
One restless horse on concrete
Horses (1)
Two horses walk past on rough track
Horses (1)
Two horses walk past on rough track
Horses (1)
Two horses at trot, on rough track
Horses (1)
Two horses trot past on rough track
Horses (1)
Two horses trot on approach, one pauses briefly
Horses (1)
Two horses canter on approach
Horses (1)
One horse restless on rough track
Horses (1)
One horse approaches at walk, departs at trot
Horses (1)
One horse canters past on rough tracks
Horses (1)
One horse approaches at walk, on rough track
Horses (1)
One horse approaches at walk
Horses (1)
One horse walks past on rough track
Horses (1)
One horse at trot on rough track
Horses (1)
One horse trots past on rough track
Horses (1)
Two horses approach at walk on tarmac
Horses (1)
Two horses pass at walk on tarmac
Horses (1)
Two horses at walk on tarmac
Horses (1)
Two horses at trot on tarmac
Horses (1)
Two horses trot past on tarmac
Horses (1)
Horse lead out of stabl, others neighing
Horses (1)
Stable door opend, horses lead out
Horses (1)
Horse walking around concrete floored stable
Horses (1)
Horses in stables whickering to one another
Horses (1)
Horses kicking stable door and stamping
Horses (1)
Horses whickering in stables
Horses (1)
One horse neighs - exterior
Horses (1)
One horse eating carrot, and moving around
Horses (1)
One horse eating hay, and moving around
Horses (1)
Horses walking past on tarmac
Horses (1)
Herd of horses walking and trotting past
Horses (1)
One horse at walk on tarmac
Horses (1)
Herd of horses out on trek
Horses (1)
Two horses out on ride - recorded in situ
Horses (1)
One horse walking along, pulling cart
Horses (1)
HORSES: Norwich Union Stagecoach and four - interior - post horn heard at top of track
Horses (2) and dogs
Norwich Union Stagecoach and four - interior - window shut, door open, shut
Horses (2) and dogs
Norwich Union Stagecoach and four - interior - interior
Horses (2) and dogs
One horse and wooden cart travelling
Horses (2) and dogs
One horse and cart turned and proceeds cvery slowly down hill - comes to stop
Horses (2) and dogs
One horse and cart pass at walk
Horses (2) and dogs
One horse and cart at walk approach / stop / depart
Horses (2) and dogs
One horse and cart at walk approach, stop harness and cart removed, horse walks off
Horses (2) and dogs
One horse walks along in harness only
Horses (2) and dogs
One unshod horse passes at walk on rough track - some birdsong (rec. April 1990)
Horses (2) and dogs
One unshod horse passes at trot on track
Horses (2) and dogs
One unshod horse at trot approach / stop / depart
Horses (2) and dogs
One horse unshod passes at canter
Horses (2) and dogs
One unshod horse walks through puddles
Horses (2) and dogs
One unshod horse trots through puddles
Horses (2) and dogs
One horse working in an indoor school
Horses (2) and dogs
DOGS: Dog lapping water - close perspective
Horses (2) and dogs
King Charles Spaniel growling - close perspective - background noise - interior
Horses (2) and dogs
Dog scrampering around on wooden floor, panting - interior (King Charles Spaniel)
Horses (2) and dogs
Jack Russell / Corgi cross leaoing around - playing and barking - interior
Horses (2) and dogs
Dog shaking and being towelled down after bath
Horses (2) and dogs
Doberman barking, joined by border collies
Horses (2) and dogs
Collie / Labrador crosses barking - exterior
Horses (2) and dogs
Collie / Labrador crosses barking in distance, agitated - exterior
Horses (2) and dogs
Two dogs barking, whining occasionally
Horses (2) and dogs
Hunting hounds (approx 60) whining and barking - recorded at kennels
Horses (2) and dogs
One hunting hound growling and barking then joined by others - recorded at kennels
Horses (2) and dogs
General atmosphere at hunt kennels at feeding time - feed bin banged at top of track
Horses (2) and dogs
Hunting hounds growling and barking - close perspective (rec at kennels)
Horses (2) and dogs
Border Collies (about 10 months) running around playing and barking - November
Horses (2) and dogs
One dog barking - lots of birdsong
Horses (2) and dogs
Border Collies / Labradors playing and fighting
Horses (2) and dogs
Labrador / Collie cross - two dogs fighting and playing
Horses (2) and dogs
One dog eating bones - exterior
Horses (2) and dogs
Springer Spaniel dog (about 9 yrs) snarling threatening to attack
Horses (2) and dogs
Sheep dogs barking in distant barn - sheep in foreground
Horses (2) and dogs
Two Collie / Airedale crosses - barking
Horses (2) and dogs
Large Alsatian - barking
Horses (2) and dogs
Small dog threatening to attack - attacking
Horses (2) and dogs
One horse being exercised in outdsoor riding school - lots of birdsong, subdued chattrer, children playing in distance - distant traffic (Jerez, SW Spain)
DOMESTIC CATS: Four weeks old kitten, individual miaows
Four weeks old kitten, individual miaows
Four weeks old kitten, individual miaows
Four weeks old kitten, individual miaows
Four weeks old kitten, individual miaows
Four weeks old kitten, individual miaows
Four weeks old kitten, miaowind and drinking milk from bottle
Ten weeks old kitten, individual miaows
Ten weeks old kitten, individual miaows
Ten weeks old kitten, individual miaows
Ten weeks old kitten, individual miaows
Ten weeks old kitten, individual miaows
Ten weeks old kitten, individual miaows
Ten weeks old kitten, individual miaows
Ten weeks old kitten, individual miaows
Ten weeks old kitten, individual miaows
Ten weeks old kitten, individual miaows
Ten weeks old kitten, individual miaows
Ten weeks old kitten, miaowing
Ten weeks old kitten, purring (for use at low level)
Tom cat, individual miaows
Tom cat, individual miaows
Tom cat, individual miaows
Tom cat, individual miaows
Tom cat, individual miaows
Tom cat, individual miaows
Tom cat, individual miaows
Tom cat, individual miaows
Tom cat, individual miaows
Tom cat, individual miaows
Tom cat, individual miaows
Tom cat, individual miaows
Tom cat, individual miaows
Tom cat, miaowing
Tom cat, purring
Cat eating (nice crunchy sound)
Cat drinking milk
Cat guzzling greedily
Tom cat growling, individual growls
Tom cat growling, individual growls
Tom cat growling, individual growls
Tom cat growling, individual growls
Tom cat growling, individual growls
Tom cat growling, individual growls
Tom cat growling, individual growls
Tom cat growling
Cat sniffing
Tom cat growl and hiss
Tom cat hiss
Tom cat, attacking strike and hiss
Tom cat hissing at dog
Cat coughing
Cats in suburban garden (one close perspective, others more distant)
Miserable tom cat outside in the rain
Cat tail trodden on
Cat washing
FOREIGN SHORTHAIRED CATS: Siamese, individual miaows
Siamese, individual miaows
Siamese, individual miaows
Siamese, individual miaows
Siamese, individual miaows
Siamese cat miaowing
Burmese, individual miaows
Burmese, individual miaows
Burmese, individual miaows
Burmese, individual miaows
Burmese, individual miaows
Burmese cat miaowing
Burmese cat hisses twice and then long cry of anger
Burmese cat hissing and growling
Blackbird (Turdus Merula)
British birds
Buzzard (Buteo Buteo)
British birds
Chiffchaff (Phylloscopus Collybita)
British birds
Rock Dove (Columba Livia)
British birds
Mallard (Anas Platryhynchos)
British birds
Mallard (Anas Platryhynchos)
British birds
Wigeon (Anas Penelope)
British birds
Wigeon (Anas Penelope)
British birds
Dunnock (Prunella Modilaris)
British birds
Peregrine Falcon (Falco Peregrinus)
British birds
Peregrine Falcon (Falco Peregrinus)
British birds
Goldcrest (Regulus Regulus)
British birds
Greenfinch (Carduelis Chloris)
British birds
Jackdaw (Corvus Monedula)
British birds
Nightingale (Luscinia Megarhynchos)
British birds
Nuthatch (Sitta Europaea)
British birds
Robin (Erithacus Rubecula)
British birds
Rook (Corvus Frugilegus)
British birds
House Sparrow (Passer Domesticus)
British birds
House Sparrow (Passer Domesticus)
British birds
House Sparrow (Passer Domesticus)
British birds
Sparrowhawk (Accipiter Nisus)
British birds
Swallow (Hirundo Rustica)
British birds
Mute Swan (Cygnus Olor)
British birds
Whooper Swan (Cygnus Cygnus)
British birds
Mistle Thrush (Turdus Viscivorus)
British birds
Song thrush (Turdus Philomelos)
British birds
Blue Tit (Parus Caeruleus)
British birds
Great Tit (Parus Major)
British birds
Long Tailed Tit (Aegithalos Caudatus)
British birds
Winter dawn chorus - Quiet suburban garden
Early morning suburban birds - Mid-distant passing cars and heavy traffic skyline
Winter day - House sparrow, starling and blackbird - distant traffic skyline
Hampstead Heath - Winter afternoon with coal tit, long tailed tit, blue tit, nuthactch, robin, goldcrest, crow, distant dogs, children and traffic skyline
Trafalgar Square - Mid-distant group of children feeding pigeons and seagulls - heavy traffic background
St James's Park - Spring afternoon lakeside activity with waterfowl, footsteps and voices - distant traffic
Mixed woodland - Early spring, early morning - with robin, nuthatch, song thrush and blue tit. Distant traffic
Exterior atmospheres II: British rural backgrounds
Deciduous woodland - Dawn - with robins, wrens, woodpigeon, song thrush, rooks, chiffchaff, blackbird and pheasant
Exterior atmospheres II: British rural backgrounds
Mixed woodland - Early summer - early morning - with chiffchaff, goldcrest, wren alarm, lanbs, fox yapping, wind in trees
Exterior atmospheres II: British rural backgrounds
Rookery - Dawn - also calls from jackdaw
Exterior atmospheres II: British rural backgrounds
Hedgerow - Summer afternoon - house sparrow calling close, collared dove, woodpigeon, distant sheep, rooks, wren, dog, cow, willow warbler, swallow flies over calling
Exterior atmospheres II: British rural backgrounds
Farmstead - Summer afternoon - house sparrow in farmyard, woodpigeon, collared dove, chaffinch, rook, blackbird, sheep and insects in distance - common shrew squeaks at 2'43"
Exterior atmospheres II: British rural backgrounds
Farmstead - Summer afternoon - house sparrow calling mid-distance, rook, collared doves, sheep, insects and farmyard sounds
Exterior atmospheres II: British rural backgrounds
Farmstead - Summer afternoon - house sparrow and blackbird calling mid-distance with collared dove, wren, cuckoo and insects
Exterior atmospheres II: British rural backgrounds
Sheep - Early evening - mid-distance calls from flock grazing in field - calls echo round valley - robin, pheasant and other birds in background
Exterior atmospheres II: British rural backgrounds
Sheep - Early evening - mid-close and distant calls from flock feeding on open hillside - chiffchaff and jackjaw in background
Exterior atmospheres II: British rural backgrounds
Sheep - Early evening - close-up and mid-distant calls from a flock grazing in field - blackbird, woodpigeons and other birds in distance
Exterior atmospheres II: British rural backgrounds
Sea cliffs and rocky shores - Late spring, evening - heavy seas with eiders, artic terns, fulmers, skylark and wren
Exterior atmospheres II: British rural backgrounds
Seagulls - Herring gull breeding colony on roof-top
Exterior atmospheres II: British rural backgrounds
Seagulls - Harbour atmosphere
Exterior atmospheres II: British rural backgrounds
Loch Lomond - Afternoon - very quiet lochside mixed woodland, waves lapping, occasional coal tit, wind in trees
Exterior atmospheres II: British rural backgrounds
Open rural skyline - Day - occasional gust of wind and rustle of leaves
Exterior atmospheres II: British rural backgrounds
Open rural skyline - Night - occasional gust of wind and rustle of leaves
Exterior atmospheres II: British rural backgrounds
Market, Calcutta - chickens, speech, bells, man sweeping
India and Nepal: City life
ATMOSPHERES: Dawn chorus
Rural Pakistan
Birds at watering hole
Rural Pakistan
Birds at watering hole
Rural Pakistan
Rural Pakistan
Fruit bats and painted storks
Rural Pakistan
Water birds
Rural Pakistan
Dry deciduous woodland
Rural Pakistan
Dry deciduous woodland
Rural Pakistan
Dry deciduous woodland
Rural Pakistan
Dry deciduous woodland
Rural Pakistan
Lakeside oasis
Rural Pakistan
Dry-scrub woodland
Rural Pakistan
ANIMALS - ELEPHANTS: Indian elephant growling
Rural Pakistan
Indian elephant trumpeting
Rural Pakistan
Two Indian elephants
Rural Pakistan
TIGERS: One tiger snarling with others in background
Rural Pakistan
MULES: Mules with bells and minders chatting and shouting, preparing animals for journey
Rural Pakistan
Mule train passes left to right, with sounds of bells, hooves and shouts from minders
Rural Pakistan
Town square, Tarata (small town in central Bolivia) - with prominent birdsong, footsteps, distinct speech and some traffic
Urban South America
BRAZIL: Village, Bonito (in Mato Grosso do Sul area of central Brazil) - dawn, with cockerels, wind in trees, footsteps, some distinct speech and traffic, including two buses arriving and collecting people
Rural South America
Oxen pulling creaky wooden cart through swamp in Pantanal Swamp, recorded from on the cart - occasional distinct speech from drivers, also splashes etc
Rural South America
Frogs and insects, late evening in Maranhao (village on north-east coast)
Rural South America
Evening birdsong, Pantanal Swamp (large area in central Brazil famed for wildlife) - with ibis, great kiskadee, toco toucan and parakeet - wind in trees
Rural South America
Evening birdsong, Pananal Swamp - busy, with prominent ibis
Rural South America
Dawn chorus, Pantanal Swamp - busy, with macaw, great kiskadee, parakeet and parrot
Rural South America
Neutral early morning atmosphere with birdsong - with night jar and lapwing
Rural South America
Morning birdsong by pond, Pantanal Swamp - with rufus hornero, night jar and great kiskadee
Rural South America
Woodland, daytime, blustery wind in trees, birdsong, creaking tree
External stmospheres III: British rural backgrounds
Woodland, dusk, wind in trees, birdsong, distant light aircraft, bee buzzing
External stmospheres III: British rural backgrounds
Woodland, February, daytime, distant traffic, distant aircraft, 1981
External stmospheres III: British rural backgrounds
Woodland edge, summer, recorded in Wales, distant jet aricraft, 1980
External stmospheres III: British rural backgrounds
Devon hedgerow, dawn, stream, birdsong, occasional sheep, 1973
External stmospheres III: British rural backgrounds
Devon hedgerow, early morning, birdsong, occasional sheep, quiet stream, 1973
External stmospheres III: British rural backgrounds
Hedgerow, January, early morning, 1977
External stmospheres III: British rural backgrounds
Country garden, March, with birdsong and some distant traffic, 1978
External stmospheres III: British rural backgrounds
Countryside, March, dusk, 1977
External stmospheres III: British rural backgrounds
Open field atmosphere, May, afternoon, with distant traffic and birdsong, 1980
External stmospheres III: British rural backgrounds
Surburban garden at night with distant traffic, distant plane overhead, occasional speech, no birdsong - Feb 1981
Suburbia II and skylines
ZOO: Atmosphere in reptile house at London Zoo - 1974
Interiors - Various II
ANIMALS: Wild boars having tea - 1972
Comedy II
One donkey donkeyring - 1972
Comedy II
Mating cry young dunko - 1972
Comedy II
Mother and child sheep bleating - 1972
Comedy II
Assorted sheep bleating - 1972
Comedy II
MONSTRUOS Y ANIMALES: Gorila enloquecido
Efectos de sonido de horror
Monstruos rugiendo
Efectos de sonido de horror
Lobo aullando
Efectos de sonido de horror
Tres hombres lobos aullando
Efectos de sonido de horror
Lobos aullando a la luna
Efectos de sonido de horror
Lobos aullando y grunendo
Efectos de sonido de horror
Sabueso grunendo
Efectos de sonido de horror
Sabueso jadeando
Efectos de sonido de horror
Efectos de sonido de horror
Murcielagos chillando y volando
Efectos de sonido de horror
Vampiro en vuelo
Efectos de sonido de horror
SerPesada puerta se cierra / Pesadapiente
Efectos de sonido de horror
Serpiente de cascabel
Efectos de sonido de horror
Maullido de gato
Efectos de sonido de horror
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'Wild' boar
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'Wild' boar
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'Wild' boar
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'Wild' boar
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Total de artículos 1418.


© 2002-2025 Mike Everitt.

Esta página fue actualizada por última vez el: 12-3-2025 4:41:36